
  • Saher H. El-Annan Professor, International American University, Lebanon https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8456-2024
  • Dr. Hani M. Haidoura Central Ukrainian National Technical University, Kirovohrad – Ukraine, Lebanon




Entrepreneurship, Unemployment, Self-employment, Turnover


This study shows the importance of entrepreneurship as a countermeasure, notably in the private sector, against a backdrop of growing unemployment and institutional failures in Lebanon. The main goal is to validate the link empirically and intellectually between entrepreneurship and lower unemployment. The research relies on primary data acquired via an internet survey and employs a qualitative technique with an exploratory-descriptive design. This instrument, which included a variety of question types, gathered information from a broad group of 150 participants, including managers, entrepreneurs, and the jobless, who were chosen using convenience sampling. The study's key findings demonstrate that entrepreneurship reduces unemployment significantly. It indicates three essential results, in particular: entrepreneurship immediately reduces unemployment rates, it reduces individuals' turnover inclinations, thus stabilizing employment, and it promotes self-employment, further reducing unemployment pressures. These findings not only highlight entrepreneurship's complex impact on employment dynamics but also advocate for its potential as a strategic lever in alleviating Lebanon's unemployment crisis.


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How to Cite

El Annan, S. H., & Haidoura, H. M. (2023). ENTREPRENEURSHIP AS A CATALYST FOR EMPLOYMENT: NAVIGATING THE UNEMPLOYMENT CHALLENGE IN LEBANON’S PRIVATE SECTOR. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 10(11), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v10.i11.2023.1376