
  • Ni Nyoman Utami Januhari Computer System, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali, Indonesia
  • I Nyoman Putra Astaman Computer System, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali, Indonesia
  • I Putu Hogi Pradnya Diva Computer System, Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis STIKOM Bali, Indonesia



Interactive Multimedia, Cyber Law, E-Module, Cyber Crime, Technology, Aplication


Cyber Crime, is a criminal phenomenon in the form of actions carried out in cyberspace which has made the public aware of the need for legal instruments that can be used as legal rules in dealing with cybercrime cases. Efforts to overcome cyber crime include enforcing cyber law as a defense against cyber crime. The development of technology which is increasingly sophisticated and increasingly pervasive in people's life activities amidst the increasingly widespread flow of globalization has resulted in positive and negative influences for technology users. Students, as part of society, also use IT in all their activities, from increasing their knowledge, entertainment, making friends and so on. In teaching and learning activities on campus, students utilize various technologies in the digital era to search for all information related to the assignments given by their lecturers, unlimited access to IT such as the use of contemporary communication models such as Line, WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, email, video calls, voice calls, chats and so on, sometimes make students forget themselves and think that IT is an inseparable part of their world, sometimes they don't even care about the legal sanctions given by the campus or the state if they complain, babble, insult, Reproaches expressed on social media will have a negative impact. The lack of cyber law learning in students' learning lives means that interactive learning support media is needed which can encourage students to study cyber law by creating an interactive multimedia-based E-Module which can be accessed by students online using the Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC) design method. Testing the application by distributing questionnaires to students who received the Cyber Low course. With this research, it is expected to be able to increase students understanding of cyber law.


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How to Cite

Utami Januhari, N. N., Putra Astaman, I. N., & Pradnya Diva, I. P. H. (2023). APPLICATION OF CYBER LAW STUDIES WITH THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA BASED E-MODULE. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 10(10), 20–31.