
  • Hnin Yee Hlaing Master of Business Administration, Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University of Thailand
  • Chompu Nuangjamnong Graduate School of Business and Advanced Technology Management, Assumption University of Thailand, Bangkok, Thailand




Guests' Choice Decision, Resort In Kalaw Myanmar, Room Quality, Location And Security, Service Staff, Information From Hotel Features, Information From Guest Reviews


This research investigates the decision-making process of tourists when selecting resorts in Kalaw, Myanmar. According to several studies, the selection of domestic travelers is influenced by factors such as the quality of the room, the location of the hotel, the level of security provided, the efficiency and helpfulness of the service staff, the available features, and amenities of the hotel, as well as the ratings and feedback provided by previous guests. This study examines the relationship between these variables through the utilization of non-probability sampling and quantitative research techniques, such as multiple linear regression and descriptive data analysis. The results underscore the significance of guest feedback, hotel amenities, and staff performance. Although the study acknowledges the importance of its findings, it also acknowledges the presence of sampling bias and self-reported social desirability bias. The present study investigates the decision-making process of domestic tourists when selecting resorts in Kalaw, Myanmar. This comprehensive analysis examines the various factors that impact the choices of domestic tourists in Kalaw, Myanmar. The results of this study have the potential to assist resort operators in enhancing guest satisfaction and gaining a competitive advantage. The present study holds considerable importance for the Kalaw resort industry since it specifically examines the preferences and interests of domestic tourists.


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How to Cite

Hlaing, H. Y., & Nuangjamnong, C. (2023). FACTORS INFLUENCING THE GUEST’S CHOICE OF RESORT IN KALAW, MYANMAR. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 10(9), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.29121/ijetmr.v10.i9.2023.1363