
  • Mamadou Salla Gueye Senior Lecturer, École Polytechnique, Tronc Commun, Thies, Senegal



CS-L Model, Management Science, Consu-Producer


It was in the very first hours of a meeting. A brand-new Associate of Management Sciences (Option Marketing) and I, his first PhD student, discussed in a restaurant near the University Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar (UCAD). That’s when the idea of the present Model first emerged. This discussion continues at the Marché aux Puces, in our adjoining rooms of the Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris (CIUP) and at the restaurant of the same Cité...
After the emergence of the idea, there followed the process of its maturation and the laying of the milestones of the present model proposal. To complete the reflection and the puzzle of the construction of this model, it took multiple immersions in different appropriate media. In particular, our immersions at the CIRRELT of the LAVAL University of Quebec as well as the links established were particularly fruitful. Today, the Model has grown...So, the proof of the ripening of this Model, since its emergence, starts from a long conception. This design was followed by a step-by-step construction until its completion. This completion is – today – the fruit of this present Model ([7, op. cit.], Montoussé and Waquet (2006), Gueye et al. (2020), Gueye et al. (2020), Gueye et al. (2020).
But there is always room for improvement, as nothing here is sacred and definitive. Everything turns and changes.


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How to Cite

Gueye, M. S. (2023). PROPOSAL FOR AN EXTENDED CS-L MODEL. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 10(4), 22–31.