
  • Khamis Said Nasser Al Muniri University of Buraimi College of Business Oman



Recruitment and Selection, Selection Practices, Selection Criteria


This paper looks at the academic staff selection practices at the Colleges of Technology in Oman. An inductive reasoning or bottom up approach was used in this research project. The main method of data collection used was semi-structured interviews conducted with selected government officials whose position and experience would enable them to provide useful data on the issues being explore. Some of the main findings of the research was that the interviewers predominantly conducted unstructured interviews and the interviewers had not received any training on how to conduct interviews and carryout the selection process. In addition, the interviewers did not have any standard selection criteria when recruiting academic staff to the college of technology. The research findings will help administrators in Oman to improve the recruitment and selection process of academic Staff.


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How to Cite

Nasser Al Muniri, K. S. (2018). ACADEMIC STAFF SELECTION IN THE SULTANATE OF OMAN – THE CASE OF COLLEGES OF TECHNOLOGY . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 5(11), 128–145.