
  • Rashid Bin Mohamed Bin Saied Al Hinai The Arab League, The Arab Organization for Education, Culture and Sciences, Institute of Arab Studies and Researches, Department of Educational Studies and Researches, Cairo



Organizational, General Education, Job Satisfaction, Sultanate


Teacher is considered as one of the most important bases upon which the educational system is based because he assumes the responsibility of preparing young children to be good citizens in the future, bringing them up on good manners and teaching them moral and noble values. So, the authorities concerned in the ministry of Education, in general and managers or head masters at schools in particular, must give due cares to create a more healthy atmosphere favorable to teachers while working at schools. This objective can be achieved through the principle of treating all teachers equally without discrimination and such treatment must be based upon justice. Moreover, they also must spare no effort to develop good working relation between them and the teachers from one hand and teachers with each other from the other hand.


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How to Cite

Saied Al Hinai, R. B. (2018). ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE AND JOB SATISFACTION FOR GENERAL EDUCATION TEACHERS IN SULTANATE OF OMAN. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 5(9), 89–92.