
  • Erny Agusri Civil Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering Muhammadiyah University, Indonesia
  • Ririn Utari Civil Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering Muhammadiyah University, Indonesia
  • Yoga Satria Putra Civil Engineering Study Program Faculty of Engineering Muhammadiyah University, Indonesia



Rice Husk Ash, Soil Stability, ASTM, Bearing Capacity Value


Soil stability is a mixture of soil with a certain material, the aim is to improve the technical properties of the soil so that it can technically meet certain requirements. Soil stability is a mixture of soil and other materials, for the purpose of achieving the correct gradation, so that the technical properties of the soil are better. Chemical stability is the addition of chemical elements to the clay with the addition of other ingredients, namely rice husk ash (ASP), so that a physical change is achieved and a change in the physical properties of the soil occurs, with an increase in the size of the soil load capacity (CBR). This study aims to obtain the appropriate variable for adding rice husk ash to the stability of clay as a stabilizer seen from the unconfined compressive strength test to obtain a capacity value of high load. The research method was carried out by testing the properties of soil index, soil compaction tests (standard proctor) and unconfined compression strength tests (Unconfined Compression Strength) in the laboratory. 200 with variations of 5%, 10% and 15%. Index property tests such as water content tests refer to ASTM D2216:2010, Sieve Analysis (ASTM D-422), Atterberg Limit, Liquid Limit (LL) (ASTM D-4318), and Specific Gravity (Gs) (ASTM D-854). Soil mechanical properties test (proctor standard) (ASTM D 698), free compression resistance test (ASTM D 2166). The conclusive results show that the free compressive strength value increased in the mass without hardening with a 10% husk ash percentage of 1.0005 kg/cm2 and a Cu value of 0.502 kg/cm3. While the results of the free compression strength test with curing for 24 hours, the highest bearing value occurred, in the original soil variation of 1.000 kg/cm3 and a Cu value of 0.500 kg/ cm3. For the value of the free compressive strength, there is a decrease, namely at variations of 5%, 10% and 15% with a time of 24 hours.


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How to Cite

Agusri, E., Utari, R., & Putra, Y. S. (2023). IMPROVING CLAY SOIL STABILITY WITH THE ADDITION OF RICE HUSKS THROUGH CHEMICAL METHODS. International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 10(1), 79–84.