
  • E. O. Akinniyi Ease Future Academy, Girei, Nigeria
  • O. M. Idowu Department of Architecture, Modibbo Adama University of Technology, Yola, Nigeria
  • U. G. Marafa Department of Architectural Technology, Federal Polytechnic, Mubi, Nigeria
  • U. T. O. Moyo Department of Architecture, University of Ilorin, Nigeria



Training Strategies, Leadership Development, Succession Planning, SMS Construction Companies, North-East Nigeria


Staff training and development strategies are considered a ‘sine qua non’ for a sustainable leadership succession in any organisation. This descriptive survey research design sought to ascertain the level of implementation of training strategies for leadership succession in small and medium scale construction companies in the study area. A questionnaire with 5-point rating scale was employed to elicit responses from 93 CEOs on staff training and development strategies including policies and procedure, opportunities, funding, and incentives and rewards for training. A hypothesis was formulated, and tested with t-Test, to determine any difference in the responses between the small and the medium scale companies under study. Results indicated that even though the respondents practiced some of the strategies without funding in the mean, they are generally indifferent to leadership succession through staff training. There was no significant difference in the mean responses of the small and the medium scale construction companies. It was recommended that the construction companies be more committed to effective leadership succession by organising and funding training workshops and seminars for staff.


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How to Cite

E. O. Akinniyi, O. M. Idowu, U. G. Marafa, & U. T. O. Moyo. (2018). TRAINING STRATEGIES FOR LEADERSHIP SUCCESSION IN SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES IN NORTH-EAST NIGERIA . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 5(7), 100–111.