
  • Aissatou Raky BA Genetic Team and Population Management, Department of Animal Biology, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Dakar, Senegal
  • Toffène DIOME Genetic Team and Population Management, Department of Animal Biology, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Dakar, Senegal
  • Cheikh Abdou Khadre Mbacké DIA Genetic Team and Population Management, Department of Animal Biology, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Dakar, Senegal
  • Mbacké SEMBENE Genetic Team and Population Management, Department of Animal Biology, University Cheikh Anta Diop, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Dakar, Senegal



Tuta Absoluta, Biocides Extract, Crataevareligiosa


The tomato leaf miner, Tutaabsoluta causes serious losses in production. It can feed on all the green parts of the tomato and can cause up to 100% damage if not controlled. Presently, the most effective method of pest control is the use of chemicals. The purpose of this study is to give alternative solutions based on natural products. The objective was to know the biocidal power of the aqueous extracts of Crataevareligiosa leaves on T. absoluta. The work was conducted on a field at the Niayes area. Three formulations were used: formulation with dry leaves (200g/l, 150g/l and 100g/l), formulation with fresh leaves (200g/l) and soapy formulation (100g Crataeva + 25g soapy) and two controls (C0, S). Each treatment was repeated twice as well as the controls. The results showed a significant decrease (P <0.0001) of the larvae compared to the blank control. However, the fresh formulation (200g/l) had double effect by reducing the number of pest larvae and a positive effect on number of the predator N. tenuis in addition to a positive impact on the agronomic traits. The dry formulation, which certainly reduced the T. absoluta larvae, had no impact on N. tenuis and H. armigera.


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How to Cite

Raky BA, A., Toffène DIOME, Mbacké DIA, C. A. K., & SEMBENE, M. (2019). USE OF PLANT BIOCIDAL SUBSTANCES BASED ON CRATAEVA RELIGIOSA AGAINST TUTA ABSOLUTA (LEPIDOPTERA: GELICHIIDAE) DEVASTATOR OF TOMATO CROPS . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 6(8), 63–71.