
  • Dr. Deepti Dilip Shinde Assistant Professor (HR) Institute of Management Studied and Research, Mumbai, India



Authentic Leadership, General Wellbeing and Subordinate Wellbeing


A leader may try various approaches to lead and manage an organization that helps to formulate strategy, adopt the positive direction and motivation, and above all lead to subordinate wellbeing. In the current study, an attempt is made to study the impact of the authentic leadership of the leaders on the subordinate wellbeing. The current study adopted a survey method to test the hypotheses. Authentic Leadership was measured by a 16-item scale developed by Avolio, Gardner and Walumbwa (2007). General Wellbeing was measured by a 19-item scale developed by Dupuy (1970). The data were collected from a sample of 315 respondents from the organization of the Petroleum Industry. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 was used to assist both quantitative and qualitative data analysis and maintained the transparency and credibility of the research. The results revealed the significant correlation between the authentic leadership of the leaders and subordinate wellbeing in the Petroleum Industry.


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How to Cite

Shinde, D. (2018). THE IMPACT OF THE AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP OF THE LEADERS ON THE SUBORDINATE WELLBEING: IN PETROLEUM INDUSTRY . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 5(11), 49–60.