
  • Septia Ningsih Jakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Diana Vivanti Sigit Jakarta State University, Indonesia
  • Elsa Lisanti Jakarta State University, Indonesia



Teaching Materials, Multimedia, Respiration Systems, Research and Development


An important component in education is the teacher. 21st century teachers use technology in learning. The technology that is developing in education now is ICT, one of which is multimedia. Multimedia-based teaching material is an alternative teaching material that is good for students to improve cognitive learning outcomes in respiration system material. Research and development use the development model of Borg & Gall (1983) and referring to the instructional design model developed by Dick & Carey (2009). Furthermore the instructional materials developed are tested for effectiveness to determine whether or not there is an increase in cognitive learning outcomes in respiration system material. Based on the assessment of four aspects of material quality; aspects of curriculum, material presentation, evaluation, and language, obtain an average score of material quality assessment of 86.80%. Based on the assessment of seven aspects of media quality; aspects of display quality, software engineering, implementation, interface, reusable, maintainable, and compatibility, obtain an average score of material quality assessment, 85.15%. Multimedia-based teaching materials that are developed effectively improve students' cognitive learning outcomes in respiration system material.


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How to Cite

Ningsih, S., Sigit, D. V., & Lisanti, E. (2019). DEVELOPMENT OF MULTIMEDIA BASED TEACHING MATERIALS TO INCREASE COGNITIVE LEARNING OUTCOMES IN RESPIRATION SYSTEMS . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 6(7), 34–45.