
  • Tayupova Olga Bashkir State University, Romano-Germanic Philology Department, Ufa, The Russian Federation
  • Minlibaeva Elina Bashkir State University, Romano-Germanic Philology Department, Ufa, The Russian Federation



Literary Discourse, Concept of Realities, Literary Concept, Conceptual Analysis, House, Transport, Language Code, Language Personality


The article is devoted to the analysis of the modern German language means used in the process of CITY and TRANSPORT concepts verbalization, presented in contemporary art discourse. It is precisely contemporary art prose that plays a special role in creating concepts of realities that are the semantic dominants of the work in question. From the point of view of the conceptual analysis method, the essence of the named concepts is revealed and their basic functions are determined. It is established that, taking into account the field structure of the concepts, language facilities are appropriately grouped and distributed. Due to this fact, it’s possible to isolate the core, the subnuclear zone, the near periphery, and also the far periphery of the analyzed concepts. In the structure of the literary concepts of realities the conceptual and figurative strata are under consideration. The conceptual stratum is actualized by language means with zero stylistic coloring. In turn, the shaped stratum is represented by the stylistically colored means of modern German language. Their frequency depends on a number of factors. First of all, the texts are written from the first-person point of view. This contributes to creating trust-based relationships between the writer and the reader. Secondly, the explication of concepts largely depends on the language personality of the writer and his/her mentality, which correlates with the characteristics of the worldview. In this case, literary constants, which are units of mentality, play a specific role, which makes the need for further comprehension of the concept as a literary category. There is emphasized the need to further study the concepts representation on the contemporary literary discourse texts basis, taking into account their national and cultural specifics. Also, it’s emphasized further concepts representation study based on the modern literary discourse texts with a glance to their national-cultural specifics.


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How to Cite

Olga, T., & Elina, M. (2019). PECULARITIES OF REALITIES CONCEPTS VERBALIZATION IN MODERN GERMANLITERARY DISCOURSE . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 6(3), 1–6.