
  • Sathish K Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SRM University, INDIA
  • Aswinkumar R Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SRM University, INDIA
  • Theresal T Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, SRM University, INDIA
  • Dhanabal S Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Periyar Maniammai University, INDIA



Reversible Logic, Reversible Decoder, GLG Gate


Nowadays, It became the fashion among the researchers about creating the New Reversible Gates. In the Reversible Literature, already many gates are proposed but it is the first time to propose a Gate for a decoder(Data Distributor). The proposed GLG (Garbage Less Gate) has No Garbage output which denotes its power efficiency. In this paper 2:4 reversible decoder is constructed using GLG. The proposed gate is also extended to N:2N decoder using the proposed GLG Gate and the Fredkin Gate. The theoretical proposition is verified through Optisystem & Modelsim Software. A comparison with existing reversible decoders is also included.


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How to Cite

K, S., R, . A., T, T., & S, D. . (2015). ALL OPTICAL REVERSIBLE DATA DISTRIBUTOR . International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research, 2(1), 1–11.