
  • Alok Kumar Research Scholar, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India
  • Minakshi Hooda Head of The Fine Art Department, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Haryana, India




Provoking, Whimsical, Challenging, Disturbing, Unreal

Abstract [English]

People say that “Never judge a book by its cover,” but the cover of the book invites us towards it. I remember, during my college years, of going to a bookstore, named” IDEA” in New Delhi, and buying an expensive book named “ENCHANTMENT” stories by Doris Vallejo, Illustrated by Boris Vallejo. The thing, that attracted me, was cover of the book. At that point of time, I was not prepared for reading stories, but I bought this book because of its illustrations, which enchanted me.

In Fantasy Art, we see a visual world and feel a World of Imagination which is a representation of reality. In Fantasy art, we can time travel and become anything of our choosing. This is not the world, we know and live in, but a world of our conceived and perceived imagination.

In this imaginative world, female figures, plays a key role in provoking our feelings, invite us, for a heroic journey to explore an unknown world.

Through this article, I would like to invite you to join me, on a fantastic journey of this female representation in Visual World and become part of this Fantasy Artwork.

To build the idea of FANTASY ART from a linguistic understanding following writings lead us on, the Meriam webster dictionary define art as “The conscious use of skill and creative imagination, especially in the production aesthetic objects; also; works to produce”.

In Shabdkosh Hindi Dictionary, “The creation of beautiful or significant things”. “The product of human creativity; works of art collectively”.

The definition, I listen in my college is “Art Is Representation of Reality”.

Regardless of definition, we all know about what art is and what it is not.

Dictionary meaning of word fantasy is “Imagination unrestricted by reality” and fantasy art meaning is, an imaginative world, that could be, may it be, would have been, or could never be. In this imaginative art style, the artwork which can be thought provoking, whimsical, challenging, disturbing, unreal, and challenging of notions of rationality.


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How to Cite

Kumar, A., & Hooda, M. (2022). WOMEN FIGURES IN FANTASY ART. ShodhKosh: Journal of Visual and Performing Arts, 3(1), 100–107. https://doi.org/10.29121/shodhkosh.v3.i1.2022.72