Immediate Apply, Ayurvedic-COVID-19-Vaccine, Achieved Green-Socio-Economic, Communication Mechanism, Healthcare Science TechnologyAbstract [English]
The 5th epidemic-COVID-19 spreads all around the world forming total change of the world health, education, research, travel, socioeconomic, and human civilization, and the proper potential vaccine still unknown for the future efficacy of reinfection outbreaks of the vaccinated peoples with manufacturing capacity for the whole world population including new variant also. The poor marginalized society, aged people, street -children, and -animals, are not able to manage and purchase vaccines. And the pandemic must be controlled or managed by every nation; otherwise, a globe is at risk of further outbreaks, and India with the whole world develop a policy to overcome the pandemic-COVID-19. India emphasis on consumption of vegetable as the preventive traditional-ayurvedic-medicines against many naturally-infected-diseases of man, animals and plants caused by various-pathogens, remarkably reducing agricultural productions. The various-pesticides reduce the plant-diseases, but it is not cost-effective and environment-friendly. The present treatment confirms the flowering-meristems of wormwoods-Artemisia nilagirica (Clarke) Pamp, prepared or developed the ayurvedic-medicine, dissolved in germfree-tap-water applying foliar-spray against plant-diseases, and the molecular-weight of soluble-root-proteins were determined. The recent treatment confirms once again that the ayurvedic-medicines-prepared from the flowering-meristems of Artemisia nilagirica (Clarke) Pamp are very much effective in controlling different-plant-pathogens caused many-diseases, synthesizing many new PR-proteins (pathogenesis-related-protein), boosting their response of defense naturally against pathogens, and increased growth of plants and protein-content, by confirming the “Immediate Apply Cost-Effective Easily Preparable-Available 21stCentury Potential-Ayurvedic-Herbal-Integrative-Medicinal-Vaccine of COVID-19: Achieved Agriculture Healthcare-Socio-Economy Science Technology Communication Mechanism with Clinical, Physical, Chemical, Biological, Physiological, and Molecular Weight”, by boosting-immunity. And it will be best side-effect-free potential-ayurvedic-COVID-19-Vaccine due to an ultra-diluted-low-dose, and globally develop all aspects in the scientific-basis of the ayurvedic-biomedicines, and it is thought that the present problems of the civilization of human will soon be overcome as early as possible retaining whole world in the new-normal or old-forms against the COVID-19.
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Datta SC. Weeds-Vegetables and Fruits Act as Potential Biomedicines against COVID-19: Enriched Agriculture Biodiversity Socio-Economy Science Technology Communications by Controlling Plants Diseases. Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences, October – 2020j; 8(Spl-1- SARS-CoV-2) ): S139-S157. doi:10.18006/2020.8(Spl-1-SARS-CoV-2).S139.S157. DOI:
Datta SC. Biomedicines-Aakashmini Cost-Effective COVID-19 vaccine: Reduced Plant-Diseases Enriched Science Technology Communications Socio-Economy Bio-Applications. Global Journal of Bioscience and biotechnology 2020k; 9(4):127-144. DOI:
Datta SC. Biological and BioSystems Engineering Barn Owl Controlled COVID-19: Engineering Bio-mechanical Biomedical Science Technology Communication Enriched Agriculture Environment. International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention 2020l;Manuscript Id: IB910037, ISSN (Online): 2319 – 6734, ISSN (Print): 2319 – 6726 (Accepted).
Datta SC. Artificial-Nest Rainwater-Harvesting with Fishery and Floating-or-Rooftop-Gardening Act as 21st Century Civil-Engineering COVID-19 Epidemic-Model: Improved Biodiversity Agriculture Socio-Economic Environmental-Sciences Technology-Communication. Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Sciences. 2020m; 6(2): 022-036.
Datta SC. Weed-Plant Act as Vaccine against Plant-and-COVID-19 Diseases: Enriched-Agriculture-Health-Development Socio-Economy Sciences-Technology-Communication-Application. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Clinical Research for publication in the ‘Special Issue’ of the THOMSANREUTERS- CLARIVATE ANALYTICS platform associate with PUBMED REVIEWCONNECT Journal, 2021a; (Accepted).
Datta SC. Immediate apply ultra-high-diluted Aakashmoni as a cost-effective Vaccine against COVID-19 at an extremely-low-doses: Enriched Science-Technology-Communication-Applications-Economy-Issue! International Journal of Engineering and Science Invention (IJESI). Manuscript id: IB101002. 201b; (Accepted).
Datta SC. Editorial Note: Only Environmental Science Act as Natural Biomedicine Preventive Epidemic Model of 21stCentury Pandemic Diseases! Environmental Science: An Indian Journal. 2021c; (Accepted).
Datta SC. Homeopathic Medicines-Aakashmoni will be the Best Vaccine against COVID-19: Enriching Agriculture Science and Technology Communication Mechanism Application Issues!. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 2020n;8(11):333-361. DOI:
Datta SC. Students Act as 21st Century Preventive-Pandemic-COVID-19 Model: Improved Advance-Clinical-Toxicology Biomedicine Green-Socio-Economy Science-Technology-Innovations. Advances in Clinical Toxicology, 2021d;6(1):1-6.
Datta SC (2021e) Immediate apply cost-effective easily preparable-available 21st century potential –ayurvedic-herbal-integrative-medicine-vaccine of COVID-19: achieved agriculture healthcare-socio-economy science technology communication mechanism! International Journal of Research-Granthaalayah, 2021; 9(1):1–10. DOI:
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