
  • Benício de Morais Lacerda Professor at Porto Velho School of Education and Culture, Brazil
  • Alex Gomes Pereira Master in Materials Science and Engineering at Federal University of Amazonas, Brazil



Numerical Simulations, Finite Element Method, Stress Concentration, Solids Mechanics

Abstract [English]

This study aimed to investigate numerically the validation of the use of the free license program Code_ Aster, with numerical results of the SolidWorks program. For this, four metal elements were modeled, all of them subjected to the tensile stress, they are: a cylindrical bar, two plates with a hole and a metal console. The objective is to validate the use of a free program for analysis of structural elements in engineering office projects and institutional research to verify if the results obtained from the free program show significant differences in the numerical application of a commercial program. All programs have in their design of analysis the use of the finite element method (FEM). The finite element method (FEM) consists to divide a continuous object into a finite number of parts. This allows a complex problem to be transformed into a set of simple problems (finite element) in addition to solving a set of finite elements by approximations with good precision of the results and to model the problem in a real physical way. It was observed that the numerical results between the SolidWorks program and the free program Code_ Aster were close with differences of less than 5%, which indicates the reliability of the use of Code_ Aster for numerical analyzes of structural elements of engineering projects and also in institutional research.


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How to Cite

Lacerda, B. de M., & Pereira, A. G. (2019). NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS BETWEEN 3D CAD SOLIDWORKS AND CODE_ASTER. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 7(10), 458–470.