
  • Arzu Erçetin İstanbul Kültür University, Department of Interior Architecture & Environmental Design, Turkey
  • Gamze Akbaş İstanbul Kültür University, Department of Interior Architecture & Environmental Design, Turkey



Semiology, Indicator, System, Code, Design, Place

Abstract [English]

Communication is defined as the flow of information in its simplest form. Utilizing the indicators and referring to another situation with the help of these indicators while providing its flow is a result-oriented study discipline. This discipline is defined with the name of Semiology and it is a field of science based on meaning.  Semiotics, shaped by behavior patterns "coded" by a particular society, it is associated with the process of interpretation. The fact that codes come together and form a whole of meaning unity and cause influence on different fields such as literature, advertising, cinema, caricature, painting and architecture. Hence, semiotics, which forms a message to be transmitted to the other party, possesses an extensive field of study. The meaning, interpretation and association of these messages with different factors fall within the scope of this discipline. Especially in order to comprehend that architecture is a communication tool, the physical factors and the approaches of the society producing these approaches should be reviewed together. This highlights the place of interior design in semiotics. In this study, interior design is evaluated within the scope of semiotics and a place reading is performed.


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How to Cite

Erçetin, A., & Akbaş, G. (2019). SEMIOTIC DISCOURSE OF PLACE: EXAMPLE OF SHOWROOM. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 7(7), 297–303.