
  • Phillip R. Neely Jr., Ph.D. Saint Leo University, 3555 Koger Blvd., Duluth, Ga. 30096, USA
  • Michael Mosley, BA Columbia Southern University



Communication Problems in Management, Communication Strategies, Communication Effectively and Efficiently

Abstract [English]

An array of studies identifies that effective communication is imperative in the workplace to increase employee productivity and organizational performance. Despite the benefits that emerge in the use of effective communication strategies within an organization, many organizations face numerous challenges that emerge in communication breakdowns and disconnects. These challenges affect performance and compromise success. The intent of this paper is to use a mixed method approach that includes a literature review and gathering of primary data from questionnaires and interviews to determine the communication problems in management. The data analysis is achieved through qualitative and quantitative strategies. The study identifies that lack of effective communication is centered on the perceptions that exist within the workforce. Managers perceive that their strategies are effective when in some cases they are not. The study also identifies that tech-assisted communication systems would increase productivity. From these insights, it is imperative that organizations implement changes that will foster effective communication throughout the organization.


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How to Cite

Neely, P. R., & Mosley, M. (2018). COMMUNICATION PROBLEMS IN MANAGEMENT. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 6(9), 34–40.