
  • Dr.K.Lenin Professor, Department of EEE, Prasad V.Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Kanuru, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh -520007, India




Optimal Reactive Power, Transmission Loss, Enriched Black Hole

Abstract [English]

This paper presents an Enriched Black Hole (EBH) algorithm for solving reactive power flow problem. The Black Hole Algorithm starts with a preliminary population of contestant  and for all iteration of the black hole algorithm, the most excellent candidate is favored to be the black hole, which followed by  pulling further candidates around it, called stars. If a star move very close to the black hole, it will be consumed by the black hole and is vanished undyingly. In such a case, a new star - candidate solution is arbitrarily created and placed in the exploration space and starts a new search. Black hole algorithm is feeble to carry out global search completely in the large size problem spaces.  So the enhancement in the amalgamation process in black hole algorithm has to be done. In this work, black hole algorithm will be enhanced, using stars gravities information. For this aim, a kind of gravitational force between stars is defined and the movement of stars to the black hole is adjusted during the penetration of solution space. In order to evaluate the projected Enriched Black Hole (EBH) algorithm, it has been tested in Standard IEEE 57,118 bus systems and compared to other standard reported algorithms. Simulation results reveal about the Enriched performance of the projected algorithm in plummeting the real power loss.


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How to Cite

Lenin, K. (2017). ENRICHED BLACK HOLE ALGORITHM FOR DIMINUTION OF REAL POWER LOSS. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 5(9), 186–194. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v5.i9.2017.2228

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