
  • Yopi Gunawan Faculty of Law, Universitas Singaperbangsa, Indonesia



Law Enforcement, Policy, Corruption, Penal, Non-Penal

Abstract [English]

The law enforcement of corruption crimes that have been carried out so far only illustrates success in uncovering, arresting, detaining, prosecuting and convicted of the perpetrators who are found guilty. Still, it has not demonstrated success in eradicating corruption crimes widely. So that the success of such efforts creates a perception that Indonesia's corruption crimes are increasing, with this fact, what is illustrated is that Indonesia is a corrupt country. This is undoubtedly a contradiction with the expected goal of eradicating corruption crimes. The purpose of this article is to analyze corrupt law enforcement policies in Indonesia. This article concludes that amid national development efforts in various fields, the public's aspirations in eradicating corruption and any form are increasing because sin has caused enormous losses to the State, which could impact the emergence of crises in various fields. To overcome this, it is necessary to implement penal and non-penal policies to prevent criminal acts of corruption. Thus, the use of correctional and non-penal facilities must go hand in hand in overcoming corruption crimes


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How to Cite

Gunawan, Y. (2021). LAW ENFORCEMENT POLICIES IN CRIMINAL ACTS OF CORRUPTION IN INDONESIA. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 9(3), 162–169.