
  • Maurício Fagundes Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil
  • Silvana Cassia Hoeller Curso de Agroecologia, Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brasil



Camp Education, Teacher Formation, Social Movements

Abstract [English]

This article aims to discuss the training of teachers for field education, referenced in the historical-political process that began at the end of the Brazilian military dictatorship. With the process of democratization experienced in Brazil since the mid-1980s, with the end of the military dictatorship, we highlight the transition from rural education to education in the field and the respective training of teachers to meet this specific demand. This process was made up of a public policy, the fruit of the mobilization of social movements. The need for teacher training gave rise to the graduation courses in Field Education, which work primarily with subjects who are inserted in the reality of the field, through the pedagogy of alternation and itinerancy. The methodology that contributes to this work is of a qualitative nature, developed through bilbiographical research, with a temporal cut from 1985 to 2018. As a conclusion, it is possible to point out that the degrees in Education in the Field, currently, are a reality as an educational process, which meets the specificities of the subjects in the field, reinforcing their identities and contemplating the specificities in several Brazilian regions, thus moving towards overcoming the existing conservative education and named as rural.


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How to Cite

Fagundes, M., & Hoeller, S. C. (2021). THE PROCESS OF EDUCATION IN THE FIELD AND TEACHER FORMATION IN BRAZIL. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 9(1), 16–24.