
  • I Gusti Agung Alit Suryawati Study Program of Communication Science/ Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Udayana University, Indonesia



Roles Of Stakeholders, Teenager And Role Model Assistance, Cyber Media

Abstract [English]

The purpose of this study is to understand the behavior of teenagers in accessing cyber media, as well as the efforts of stakeholders to assist them in responding to cyber media. This research is a type of qualitative research. The research data were collected through document study, observation and interview with 15 informants, consisting of educators, parent representatives, community leaders, youth leaders and mass media observers from Denpasar City, Badung Regency, Gianyar Regency and Buleleng Regency. The data analysis was done descriptive-interpretively. The results showed that teenagers were good at utilizing social media applications such as BBM, Facebook, Twitter, WA, Line, and Instagram. They also used email, Wikipedia, Mailing list, Youtube, Weblog, and Blogsite to correspond with their friends and access information. But the information consumed by teenagers from the internet has the potential to affect their consumptive behavior, adopt a shortcut culture, as well as individual behavior that weakens social solidarity. The family, educational institutions, peers, and the government have a strategic role in anticipating the negative impact of internet (cyber media) on teenagers. Efforts of developing education-oriented sites need to be made.


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How to Cite

Suryawati, I. G. A. A. (2020). THE ROLE OF STAKEHOLDERS ASSISTING TEENAGERS IN RESPONDING TO CYBER MEDIA. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 8(6), 196–201.