
  • Adarsh S R Senior Software Engineer, Samsung R&D Institute, Bangalore, Karnataka, India




Human–Computer Interaction, Emotion Detection, Short Texts, Language Processing Tools

Abstract [English]

Human Computer Interaction (HCI) researches the use of computer technology mainly focused on the interfaces between human users and computers. Expression of emotion comprises of challenging style as it is produced with plaint text and short messaging language as well. This research paper investigates on the overview of emotion recognition from various texts and expresses the emotion detection methodologies applying Machine Learning Approach (MLA). This paper recommends resolving the problem of feature meagerness, and largely improving the emotion recognition presentation from short texts by achieving the three aims: (I) The representing short texts along with word cluster features, (II) Presenting a narrative word clustering algorithm, and (iii) Making use of a new feature weighting scheme of the Emotion classification. Experiments were performed for the classifying the emotions with different features and weighting schemes, on the openly available dataset. We have used the word clusters in place of unigrams as features, the micro-averages of accuracy have been found to be enhanced by more than three percentage, which suggests that the overall accuracy value of the text emotion classifier has been improved. All the macro-averages were enhanced by more than one percentage, which suggests that the word cluster feature can advance the generalization potential of the emotion classifier. The experimental results suggest that the text words cluster features and the proposed weighting scheme can moderately resolve the problems of the emotion recognition performance and the feature sparseness.


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How to Cite

S R, A. (2019). ENHANCEMENT OF TEXT BASED EMOTION RECOGNITION PERFORMANCES USING WORD CLUSTERS. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 7(1), 238–250. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v7.i1.2019.1051