
  • Tamrat Dina Teressa Department of Management, College of Business and Economics, Gambella University, PO Box 126, Gambella, Ethiopia



Active Learning, Action Research, Achievement, Entrepreneurship

Abstract [English]

The intention of educational authorities in different level is to implement active learning in Educational institutions including higher education institutions. Consequently, the need for this research was to examine the Practice and challenges of active learning: practical implications in Gambella University. The objective of researcher to undertake this research was to identify whether his on the right track in his teaching and to examine the practice and challenges of active learning practical implication. In order to achieve the objectives of the action research, the researcher has collected primary data directly from the class students to obtain tangible data from respondents. The researcher used questionnaire to collect quantitative data from 30 students which incorporates 50% of the class. The researcher was used both close-ended and open-ended questionnaire for this study. Since there is no previous research study conducted concerning the practices and challenges of active learning in the under consideration, the proportion of a target population was taken from 3rd year management department students. The finding depicts that  most of students are not interested in active learning method, Students are in high satisfaction in their existing entrepreneurship learning, The respondents are very interesting in individual learning rather than group or cooperative learning, Most of students are interested in lecture method learning maximum  number of students were agree that the existing lecture speed of presentation was fast, More than half of the respondents were agree that the existing way of  teaching entrepreneurship was understandable. And Maximum number of students were agreed that the existing evaluation technique can measure students’ performance.


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How to Cite

Teressa, T. D. (2018). STUDENTS PERCEPTION ON ACTIVE LEARNING: PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 6(7), 200–209.