
  • Abene Abderrahmane Université de Valenciennes et du Hainaut-Cambrésis, ISTV Le Mont Houy, 59300 Aulnoy lez
  • Mohamed Salah -Eddine Seddiki valenciennes Valenciennes, France
  • Aurora Morocini Mohamed Si Youcef Université de Mons Belgique




Solar Energy, Simulation, Plane Solar Panel

Abstract [English]

The use of variable baffle solar panels for drying is the low level of heat exchange with the air in the dynamic vein of the solar panel. This weakness in such systems does not provide optimal performance or high thermal efficiency from their use. There is, however, a very noticeable improvement in heat transfer when the baffles are placed in rows in the ducts. To conduct the experiments, solar energy was simulated, the goal being to improve the relationship between temperature and thermal efficiency of a solar panel air heating plane and to use the system to reduce the time to gently dry the lemon to keep these vitamins. lemon and destinine for a sustainable therapy (the lemon promotes the absorption of calcium and in case of rhumet gill or five also to treat sinusitis, against migraine solair dryness and also for sustainable conservation and also for a sustainable medicine for a sustainable medicine.


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How to Cite

Abderrahmane, A., Eddine Seddiki, M. S., & Mohamed Si Youcef, A. M. (2018). EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF DRYING BY THE SOLARIUM VARIABLE BAFFLE SENSOR OF YELLOW AND GREEN LEMON TO KEEP THESE VITAMINS FOR A LASTING AND NATURAL MEDICINAL THERAPY. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 6(6), 161–177. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v6.i6.2018.1362