
  • Dr.K.Lenin Professor, Department of EEE, Prasad V.Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Kanuru, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh -520007, India



Symbiosis modeling Hybridization of Evolutionary algorithm with conventional Algorithm, Genetical Swarm Optimization, Reactive Power Optimization

Abstract [English]

This paper presents assorted algorithms for solving optimal reactive power problem. Symbiosis modeling (SM), which extends the dynamics of the canonical PSO algorithm by adding a significant ingredient that takes into account the symbiotic co evolution between species, Hybridization of  Evolutionary  algorithm with Conventional Algorithm (HCA) that uses the abilities of evolutionary and conventional algorithm and Genetical Swarm Optimization (GS), which combines Genetic Algorithms (GA) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO).All the above said  SM, HCA,GS algorithms are used to  augment the convergence rate with good Exploration & Exploitation. All the three SM, HCA, GS is applied to Reactive Power optimization problem and has been evaluated in standard IEEE 30 System. The results shows that all the three algorithms perform well in solving the reactive power problem with rapid convergence rate .Of all the three  algorithms SM has the slight edge in reducing the real power loss over  HCA&GS.


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How to Cite

Lenin, K. (2018). ACTIVE POWER LOSS REDUCTION BY ASSORTED ALGORITHMS. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 6(5), 263–275.

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