
  • N.P. Zapivalov Professor, Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia; Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia



Origin of Petroleum, «Life» of an Oilfield, Rehabilitation Cycles, Residual Oil, Metasomatism

Abstract [English]

Nowadays, it is vitally necessary that conceptually new methods be used in petroleum geology. The aim of this paper is to outline new trends and approaches in petroleum geology; to substantiate the necessity for rehabilitation cycles in the process of oilfield development, especially at its active stage; to define the perturbation threshold for equilibrium of a fluid-saturated system. In this paper, an empirical estimation is given of the value of critical perturbation of an equilibrium fluid-saturated system during the oilfield development, equal to formation depression of 5-8 MPa.

The author’s conclusion is that at present efforts should be focused on the efficient science-based development of the active oilfields in order to produce the residual (hard-to-extract) oil in a soft, sparing and non-damaging way, as well as on discovering new hydrocarbon accumulations, including secondary ones, throughout the whole stratigraphic section, with all depth horizons and various rock-fluid associations, in regions where a well-developed diversified infrastructure is already available. The use of rehabilitation cycles will make it possible to restore the energy potential of the stratum and filtration properties of the rock. In the long run, it will provide for an increased longevity of the object and higher final oil recovery.


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How to Cite

Zapivalov, N. (2018). PETROLEUM GEOLOGY: SCIENCE AND PRACTICE IN THE 21TH CENTURY. NEW IDEAS AND PARADIGMS. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 6(3), 214–219.