Modal Analysis, Optimal Reactive Power, Transmission Loss, Hybridized AlgorithmAbstract [English]
This paper presents a new Hybridized Algorithm (HA) for solving the multi-objective reactive power dispatch problem. Inspired by Genetic Algorithm (GA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) & the Bat Algorithm (BA), the HA was designed to retain some advantages of each method to improve the exploration and exploitation of the search. Scrutinizing PSO and BA reveals some differences, in that BA rejects the historical experience of each individual’s own position but admits an improved personal solution with some probability. We will adjust some of the updating mechanisms of BA and add a mutation method in order to try to solve reactive power problem more accurately. Proposed (HA) algorithm has been tested on standard IEEE 30 bus test system and simulation results shows clearly about the good performance of the proposed algorithm.
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