Installation, concepts, idea, Ready-madesAbstract [English]
Present study focuses on the new media Installation Art in India, its present scenario, and backgrounds. Essentially installation art has taken its heritage from conceptual art, which came into prominence in 1970s, when the concept or idea was prominent – when an artist uses a conceptual form of art which means that all of the arrangement and conclusion are made previously and the implementation is an obligatory concern. So, spontaneously idea became a machine that makes the art. An idea suddenly pops in his mind and he just implemented it, in his very own way. This kind of art does not narrow itself to gallery spaces and can refer to any materials intervention in everyday public or private spaces. After India became independent, art began to change here. considerately several movements and group bounced up all over the country headed by ambitious young artists with vision of bringing modern art to India. Now the art of India is totally changed. Contemporaries are not bound to use paper and canvas, wall or any other art surfaces. They are not bound to make mythological paintings or sculptures but they are free to do anything, they are free to use any medium, material and space they want. After a European artist Marcel Duchamp’s “ready-mades artist” started exploring the margin of art, trying to eliminate the contrast between art and life. For conceptual artists art need not look like a traditional work of art. Presented study focuses on the installation work of Indian artists. Four artists were selected by the researcher viz. Subodh Gupta, Shilpa Gupta, Bharti Kher and ChintanUpadhaya. Researcher investigates the concepts behind the art work of selected artists, their methods and materials they have used in their art work. The selection of artist in current study is on the bases of their fame and popularity. Method of the current study is analytical.
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