Tanzania, Kagera, Kilimanjaro, WCGA, bulk purchase, coffee, cottonAbstract [English]
This paper examines bulk purchase of coffee and cotton during the war and post- Second World War period under the long-term contract arrangements as provided under the Defence Ordinance and Orders of 1939, 1940 and 1943 as well as review of various Colonial policies, annual reports, meeting minutes, memoranda and circulars on coffee and production and marketing. Evidence for this topic have been extracted from Tanzania National Archive (TNA) primary sources. It analyses the consequences in employment of administrative machinery, such as the marketing boards, traders and co-operatives in execution the contracts agents on behalf of the British Ministry of Food and Supplies to growers.
Masao Yoshida,MasaoYoshida,Agricultural Marketing Intervention in East Africa, (Tokyo: Institute of Developing Economies, 1984).
Charlotte Leubuscher, Marketing Scheme for Native-Grown Produce in African Territories, Journal of the International Institute of African Languages and Cultures, Vol. XII, Number 2, (April, 1939), pp. 163-188; Charlotte Leubuscher, Bulk Buying from the Colonies: A study of the Bulk Purchase of Colonial Commodities by the United Kingdom Government, (London: Oxford University Press, 1956).
Hans Ruthernberg, Agricultural Development in Tanganyika, (Berlin: Sringer-Verlag, 1964). DOI:
Philip Curtin, ‘The Colonial Economy’, In Philip Curtin, Steven Feierman, Leonard Thompson, Jan Vansina, African History: From Earliest Times to Independence, (London: Longman, 1995), pp.446-464.
Maxwell Owusu, Agriculture and Rural Development since 1935, In Ali Mazrui (ed.) Africa Since 1935, (Oxford: James Currey Ltd., 1999).
J. Tosh ‘The Cash Crop Revolution in Tropical Africa: An Agricultural Reappraisal’, African Affairs, 79, (1980); W.E.F Ward and L.W. White, East Africa: A century of Change 1870 – 1970, (London: George Allen and Unwin Ltd, 1971); Paul Kelemen, ‘Planning for Africa: The British Labour Party’s Colonial Development Policy, 1920-1964’, in Journal of Agrarian Change, Vol. 1, No. 7, (January, 2007); Michael Havinden and David Meredith, (1993); David Sunderland, Managing British Colonial and Post-Colonial Development: The Crown Agents, 1914-1974 (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 2007). DOI:
C. Harvey (undated), ‘Coffee Cultivation in Bukoba’, TNA 11969 Vol. II.
Baines was Bukoba DC from 1916 to 1919 and then from October 1920 to February 1923
Bukoba District Book
Maswa DC to PC, Lake Province, Ref. No. 402/3676 of May 16th 1933, TNA 215/665, Vol. I.
The Defence (Control of Cotton) Order of 1944, Section 4.
Northcote 1936 Inquiry Report on Bukoba Coffee Industry in Report on Bukoba Coffee Marketing, TNA 24545, pp.11- 12.
Northcote 1936 Inquiry Report on Bukoba Coffee Industry in Report on Bukoba Coffee Marketing, TNA 24545.
DA to CS, Ref. No. 6/5389, July 24th 1935, TNA 23218.
DA to CS, Ref. No. 6/5389, July 24th 1935, TNA 23218; DC Shinyanga to PC Lake Province, Ref. No. 62/38, February 1936, TNA 23218.
PC Lake Province to DA (copy to CS), Ref. No. 1302/150, August 24th 1935, TNA 23218
PopatRanji to Lake Province PC June 20th 1947 and August 19th 1947 and Dec 22nd 1947 to Bishop of Mwanza, TNA 215/1423/C; Uzinza Farmers Association to Ibanza (Council of Chiefs), October 2nd 1950, TNA 215/1423/A. .
Government notice No. 84 of 1931 which were amended in 1933 under Government Notice Number 78
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), United Kingdom Market for United States Agricultural Products Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 104, (Washington, D. C.: The USA Government Printing Office, 1953), p.2.
Lord Listowel, Commonwealth Future, Fabian Tract 308, (London: The Fabian Society, July 1957), p. 24, TNA 23218.
The CO Circular dispatch, August 23rd 1939, TNA 29585
The Long Term Contracts Policy on the United Kingdom Departments and Colonial Agriculture Producer, TNA 25147; Standard Newspaper September 28th 1948, TNA 25147.
A Contract on the Local Arrangement for Handing of Ministry of Food Coffee, Director of East Africa Produce Disposal and Supply Council (Nairobi), March 13th 1947, TNA 37200.
Extract from minute of meeting of the standing committee held in April 1947, TNA 11969.
Kilimanjaro Coffee Growers Association, Lupembe Plasters Association, Mbeya Mountain coffee Plasters Association, Mbozi Plasters Association, Meru Coffee Growers Association, Oldean Plasters Association, SanyaNgare-Nairobi Plasters Association, Ufiome Plasters Association, Usambara Plasters Association and Usa River Plasters Association.
DA to CS, Ref. No. C/133/330, December, 17th 1942, TNA 37200; Ministry of Food to CS, Telegram, No. WB/293, November 21st 1946, TNA 37200.
Tanganyika Territory, Report on Co-operative Development, Dar Es Salaam: Government Printer, 1950), TNA 37192; TCGA Tanganyika Coffee Board: Meetings Agenda and Minutes, TNA 24304.
KNCU to Ministry of Food, TNA 37200.
East Africa High Commission, London to East Africa Joint Economic Commission (Nairobi) Confidential Telegram, Ref. No. 4142/458, October 28th 1949, TNA 37200.
KNCU to Ministry of Food, TNA 37200.
One of the causes for the sterling depreciation in terms of United States of America (USA) dollar was economic slowdown, economic depression in the USA and capital flight in Britain as a result of the Second World War that sterling pound sharply depreciated to $4.03.
Tanganyika Legislative Council Debates, Hansard, 1950, 29th Session, para. 241, TNA 37200.
The Decontrol of Coffee, Press Notice by Ministry of Food August 20th 1952, TNA 37200.
The Decontrol of Coffee, Press Notice by Ministry of Food August 20th 1952, TNA 37200.
USDA, United Kingdom Market for United States Agricultural Products Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 104, (Washington, D. C.: The USA Government Printing Office, 1953), p.56.
The Long Term Contracts Policy on the United Kingdom Departments and Colonial Agriculture Producer, TNA 25147; Standard Newspaper September 28th 1948, TNA 25147.
A Contract on the Local Arrangement for Handing of Ministry of Food Coffee, Director of East Africa Produce Disposal and Supply Council (Nairobi), March 13th 1947, TNA 37200.
DA to CS, Ref. No. C/133/330, December, 17th 1942, TNA 37200; Ministry of Food to CS, Telegram No. WB/293, November 21st 1946, TNA 37200..
Andrew Coulson, (1982), p. 66.
The Decontrol of Coffee, Press Notice by Ministry of Food August 20th 1952, TNA 37200.
Ministry of Food to DA, Ref. No. CS/CP 30G, April 23rd 1952, TNA 37200; DA to CS, Ref. No. C/135/836, December 17th 1946, TNA 37200.
Charlotte Leubuscher, (1956), pp.53-66.
Government Notice No. 325, TNA 34953.
DA to CS, Ref. No. 100/43, March 25th 1943, Cotton Control and Marketing during Wartime, TNA 34953.
DA to CS, Ref. No. 100/42, March 25th 1942, TNA 34953
DA to Lake Province Ginners Association, Ref. No. 252/5, January 22nd 1943, TNA 34953.
Telegram CS Uganda to CS Tanganyika, December 17th 1942, TNA 34953; The Tanganyika Standard, December 2nd 1941, TNA 28259/21; DA to CS, Ref. No. 1007/4839, October 2nd 1941, TNA 28259/21.
DA to CS, Ref. No. 473/3878, July 23rd 1927, TNA 34953.
The Uganda Gazette, Vol. XXXVI, No. 13, January 12th 1943 (signed by Max Nurok – the deputy CS, TNA 34953; Members of the East African Exporters Group were Messrs Dakin Chairman), Collins, Paraschis, Paarekh, Clarke and Hassan Kassim) – Tanganyika Standard, December 19th 1942, TNA 34953.
The Defence Regulation (Control of Cotton) Order, 1943, TNA 34953.; Extracts from the meeting of the Cotton Board, held in Dar Es Salaam, May 4th 1944, TNA 34953 Vol. II.
CS Uganda to CS Tanganyika, December 17th 1942, TNA 34953 Vol. II.
IBRD, The Economic Development of Tanganyika, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1961), pp. 12, 13 and 202.
The World Bank, Tanganyika Agriculture and Rural Development Sector Study, Vol. II, December 10th 1974, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press), p. 4.
Masao Yoshida, Agricultural Marketing Reorganisation in Post War East Africa, In Agricultural Marketing Intervention in East Africa: A Study in the Colonial Origins of Marketing Policies 1900 – 1965, (1980), pp. 252 – 254
Government Notice No. 325, TNA 34953.
DA to CS, Ref. No. 100/43, March 25th 1943, Cotton Control and Marketing during Wartime, TNA 34953.
DA to CS, Ref. No. 100/42, March 25th 1942, TNA 34953
DA to Lake Province Ginners Association, Ref. No. 252/5, January 22nd 1943, TNA 34953.
Telegram CS Uganda to CS Tanganyika, December 17th 1942, TNA 34953; The Tanganyika Standard, December 2nd 1941, TNA 28259/21; DA to CS, Ref. No. 1007/4839, October 2nd 1941, TNA 28259/21.
DA to CS, Ref. No. 473/3878, July 23rd 1927, TNA 34953.
The Uganda Gazette, Vol. XXXVI, No. 13, January 12th 1943 (signed by Max Nurok – the deputy CS, TNA 34953; Members of the East African Exporters Group were Messrs Dakin Chairman), Collins, Paraschis, Paarekh, Clarke and Hassan Kassim) – Tanganyika Standard, December 19th 1942, TNA 34953.
The Defence Regulation (Control of Cotton) Order, 1943, TNA 34953.; Extracts from the meeting of the Cotton Board, held in Dar Es Salaam, May 4th 1944, TNA 34953 Vol. II.
CS Uganda to CS Tanganyika, December 17th 1942, TNA 34953 Vol. II.
IBRD, The Economic Development of Tanganyika, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1961), pp. 12, 13 and 202.
The World Bank, Tanganyika Agriculture and Rural Development Sector Study, Vol. II, December 10th 1974, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press), p. 4.
Masao Yoshida, Agricultural Marketing Reorganisation in Post War East Africa, In Agricultural Marketing Intervention in East Africa: A Study in the Colonial Origins of Marketing Policies 1900 – 1965, (1980), pp. 252 – 254
The Long Term Contracts Policy on the United Kingdom Departments and Colonial Agriculture Producer, TNA 25147; Standard Newspaper September 28th 1948, TNA 25147.
A Contract on the Local Arrangement for Handing of Ministry of Food Coffee, Director of East Africa Produce Disposal and Supply Council (Nairobi), March 13th 1947, TNA 37200.
Extract from minute of meeting of the standing committee held in April 1947, TNA 11969.
DA to CS, Ref. No. C/133/330, December, 17th 1942, TNA 37200; Ministry of Food to CS, Telegram, No. WB/293, November 21st 1946, TNA 37200.
KNCU to Ministry of Food, TNA 37200.
East Africa High Commission, London to East Africa Joint Economic Commission (Nairobi) Confidential Telegram, Ref. No. 4142/458, October 28th 1949, TNA 37200.
KNCU to Ministry of Food, TNA 37200.
One of the causes for the sterling depreciation in terms of United States of America (USA) dollar was economic slowdown, economic depression in the USA and capital flight in Britain as a result of the Second World War that sterling pound sharply depreciated to $4.03.
Tanganyika Legislative Council Debates, Hansard, 1950, 29th Session, para. 241, TNA 37200.
The Decontrol of Coffee, Press Notice by Ministry of Food August 20th 1952, TNA 37200.
The Decontrol of Coffee, Press Notice by Ministry of Food August 20th 1952, TNA 37200.
USDA, United Kingdom Market for United States Agricultural Products Agriculture Information Bulletin No. 104, (Washington, D. C.: The USA Government Printing Office, 1953), p.56.
The Long Term Contracts Policy on the United Kingdom Departments and Colonial Agriculture Producer, TNA 25147; Standard Newspaper September 28th 1948, TNA 25147.
A Contract on the Local Arrangement for Handing of Ministry of Food Coffee, Director of East Africa Produce Disposal and Supply Council (Nairobi), March 13th 1947, TNA 37200.
DA to CS, Ref. No. C/133/330, December, 17th 1942, TNA 37200; Ministry of Food to CS, Telegram No. WB/293, November 21st 1946, TNA 37200.
The Decontrol of Coffee, Press Notice by Ministry of Food August 20th 1952, TNA 37200.
Ministry of Food to DA, Ref. No. CS/CP 30G, April 23rd 1952, TNA 37200; DA to CS, Ref. No. C/135/836, December 17th 1946, TNA 37200.
Charlotte Leubuscher, (1956), pp.53-66.
Government Notice No. 325, TNA 34953.
DA to CS, Ref. No. 100/43, March 25th 1943, Cotton Control and Marketing during Wartime, TNA 34953.
DA to CS, Ref. No. 100/42, March 25th 1942, TNA 34953 DOI:
DA to Lake Province Ginners Association, Ref. No. 252/5, January 22nd 1943, TNA 34953.
Telegram CS Uganda to CS Tanganyika, December 17th 1942, TNA 34953; The Tanganyika Standard, December 2nd 1941, TNA 28259/21; DA to CS, Ref. No. 1007/4839, October 2nd 1941, TNA 28259/21.
DA to CS, Ref. No. 473/3878, July 23rd 1927, TNA 34953.
The Uganda Gazette, Vol. XXXVI, No. 13, January 12th 1943 (signed by Max Nurok – the deputy CS, TNA 34953; Members of the East African Exporters Group were Messrs Dakin Chairman), Collins, Paraschis, Paarekh, Clarke and Hassan Kassim) – Tanganyika Standard, December 19th 1942, TNA 34953.
The Defence Regulation (Control of Cotton) Order, 1943, TNA 34953.; Extracts from the meeting of the Cotton Board, held in Dar Es Salaam, May 4th 1944, TNA 34953 Vol. II.
CS Uganda to CS Tanganyika, December 17th 1942, TNA 34953 Vol. II.
IBRD, The Economic Development of Tanganyika, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1961), pp. 12, 13 and 202.
The World Bank, Tanganyika Agriculture and Rural Development Sector Study, Vol. II, December 10th 1974, (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press), p. 4.
Masao Yoshida, Agricultural Marketing Reorganisation in Post War East Africa, In Agricultural Marketing Intervention in East Africa: A Study in the Colonial Origins of Marketing Policies 1900 – 1965, (1980), pp. 252 – 254
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