
  • FikreyohannesGedamuMihretu School of Plant Sciences,Haramaya University, P.O.B. 56, ETHIOPIA
  • M.N. Bhalekar Mahatma Phule Agricultural University,Rahuri, 413 722 Dist. Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, INDIA



Biochemical Composition, Cross, Fruits, Generation(S), Progenies

Abstract [English]

Investigation was carried out to evaluate F5 and F6 generations of tomato hybrid derivatives for its physicochemical characters and its suitability for processing during spring-summer 2009/10 and 2010/11 at Vegetable Research area, Mahatma Phule Agricultural University, Rahuri.  F5 and F6 generations of two crosses (M-3-1 x H-24 and 87-2 x 18-1-1) and two standard checks (‘Bhagyashree’ and ‘Dhanashree’) were evaluated for processing suitability in randomized block design in three replications. There were significant differences in all the fruit physical characters studied. Significantly highest polar and equatorial diameters, shape index of fruit, pericarp thickness were recorded in both F5 and F6 generation. Biochemical composition and processing qualities of tomato genotypes in both F5 and F6 generations showed significant differences except fruit juice per cent in F6 generation. Major processing quality characters maximum recorded in F5 and F6 generations were: total soluble solids, 5.03 (T18) and 5.17oBrix (T27); titratable acidity 0.6 per cent (T13) and 0.68 per cent (T24); low pH, 4.07 (T21) and 4.07 (T6); maximum ascorbic acid, 36.27 (T26) and 32.93 (T32) mg/100 g; fruit total sugars, 3.72 per cent (T6) and 3.71 per cent (T26); maximum lycopene in T26 , which was 5.95 and 4.23 mg/100 g; β-carotene, was highest  in T32, 2.97 and 2.94 mg/100 g in F5 and F6 progenies.


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How to Cite

GedamuMihretu, F., & Bhalekar, M. (2016). PHYSICO-CHEMICAL EVALUATION OF TOMATO HYBRID DERIVATIVES FOR PROCESSING SUITABILITY. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 4(3), 131–145.