
  • AbdulhameedKayodeAgboola Department of Information and Media Technology, School of Information and Communication Technology, Federal University of Technology, MINNA
  • Ibrahim Yusuf Department of Information and Media Technology, School of Information and Communication Technology, Federal University of Technology, MINNA



Social Media, Traditional Media, Electronic Media, Media House, Online Television, I-Punch, Channel TV

Abstract [English]

Technology will continue to develop and change how journalism is practice, it will bring with it new challenges and learning curves. What will not change is the public’s demand for news and information, the kind that helps them manage their personal lives and make decisions as educated citizens in the public realm. While much discussion focuses on how we read the news, technology is changing the way we report the news. The image of a reporter showing up to a scene with a pen and a pad is iconic but will soon lose to the vestiges of time. This paper argues that the Newspaper media will continue to satisfy this public demand using the new tools of technological innovation. They will expand their audiences and engage them in novel and exciting ways. Therefore, justice was done to the discussion by providing answers to the following guiding questions: In what form are social media projected / displayed in prints and electronic media? What use have they been put into? For what purpose are they being used for? These are the guiding questions that the study aims to answer in this study. The study concludes that the Nigeria media sector can now be said to be equally exploring new media to leverage on its activities. Finally, the paper recommends that other newspapers in Nigeria should emulate The Punch newspaper and Channel TV in capturing new media in their daily print and broadcast contents.


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How to Cite

Agboola, A., & Yusuf, I. (2015). INTERFACE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN CONVENTIONAL MEDIA IN NIGERIA: AN OVERVIEW. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 3(6), 17–32.