
  • Dr. Thiruniraiselvi Nagarajan Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, M.A.M. College of Engineering and Technology, Affiliated to Anna University (Chennai), Siruganur, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu, India
  • Dr. Gopalan Mayilrangam Professor, Department of Mathematics, Shrimati Indira Gandhi College, Affiliated to Bharathidasan University, Trichy-620 002, Tamil Nadu, India



Techniques, Cubic Equation, Homogeneous, Unknowns

Abstract [English]

Each article should be accompanied by an abstract of up to 250 words in English, which should mention all the principal facts and conclusions set forth in the paper. A similar abstract in Hindi language may be added, but this is not required. The homogeneous cubic equation with four unknowns given by is studied for obtaining its non-zero distinct integer solutions. Substitution technique and factorization method are utilized to determine the same.


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M.A. Gopalan, N. Thiruniraiselvi & Sridevi, (2015). On the Ternary Cubic Equation, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Modern Engineering, .1 (1), 317-319, 2015.

M.A. Gopalan, N. Thiruniraiselvi & V. Kiruthika, (2015).“On the ternary cubic diophantine equation ”, IJRSR, 6 9, Sep-2015, 6197-6199.

N. Thiruniraiselvi, M.A. Gopalan, (2021). A Search on Integer solutions to non-homogeneous Ternary Equation, Epra International Journal Of Multidisciplinary Research (Ijmr) - Peer Reviewed Journal, 7 (9), September 2021, 15- 18.

N. Thiruniraiselvi, M.A. Gopalan, (2024).A New Class of Integer Solutions to Homogeneous Cubic Equation with Four Unknowns, International Journal of Applied Sciences and Mathematical Theory (IJASMT), 10(2), 1-7, 2024.

N. Thiruniraiselvi, M.A. Gopalan, (2024). Binary Third degree Diophantine Equation, Oriental Journal of Physical Sciences, 9(1), 1-4, 2024.

N. Thiruniraiselvi, Sharadha Kumar, M.A. Gopalan, (2024).Non-homogeneous Binary Cubic Equation, Pure and Applied Mathematics Journal, Vol.8(11), Pg 166-191.

S. Vidhyalakshmi, M.A. Gopalan, S. (2014). AarthyThangam, “On the ternary cubic Diophantine equation ” International Journal of Innovative Research and Review (IJIRR), Vol 2(3). 34-39, July-Sep 2014.

Shanthi, J., and M. A. Gopalan. (2023)."A Portrayal of Integer Solutions to Non-homogeneous Ternary Cubic Diophantine Equation." IRJEDT, Vol 5(9),192-200, (2023).

Vidhyalakshmi S, Gopalan MA, (2022). General form of integral solutions to the ternary non-homogeneous cubic equation y^2+Dx^2=αz^3, IJRPR, 3(9):1776-1781.

Vidhyalakshmi, S., Shanthi, J., Hema, K., & Gopalan, M. A. (2022). “Observation on the paper entitled Integral Solution of the homogeneous ternary cubic equation x^ 3+ y^ 3= 52 (x+ y) z^ 2”. EPRA IJMR, 8(2), 266-273.

Vidhyalakshmi, S., and M. A. Gopalan. (2022). "On Finding Integer Solutions to Non-homogeneous Ternary Cubic Equation [x^ 2+ xy+ y^ 2= (m^ 2+ 3n^ 2) z^ 3]." Journal of Advanced Education and Sciences 2.4 28-31.




How to Cite

Nagarajan, T., & Mayilrangam, G. (2024). TECHNIQUES TO SOLVE UNIFORM THIRD DEGREE EQUATION HAVING FOUR VARIABLES. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 12(10), 62–69.