Little Mllet, Minor Millet, Major Millet, Marketing of Millet, SHGs, Women EmpowermentAbstract [English]
The value addition of millets presents significant opportunities for elevating the economic status and livelihoods of rural women not only for increased income, but also for enhancing national productivity, creating employment, and fostering economic independence, personal growth, and social upliftment. Major millets, minor millets, and little millets constitute distinct types within the millet family. In India, minor and little millets are classified as coarse cereals. Women SHGs in Odisha have been directly involved in the marketing of millets and millet-based products since 2021.This report seeks to investigate the extent to which women active in millet marketing are empowered. The study is for doing a qualitative analysis of the respondents' abilities to promote the product and focus on drawing useful conclusions on how they are being empowered. The sample for the study would involve one woman from each Self Help Group (SHG) and 5 to 6 SHGs would be taken for the collection of data. This study understands the processes involved in marketing of millets and throws light on how women empowerment is possible through it.
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