
  • Bharat N. Basrani Assistant Professor, R V Patel & V L Shah College of Commerce, Amroli, Surat, Gujarat, India




CSFs (Critical Success Factors), TQM (Total Quality Management), Service Sector, Pareto Analysis

Abstract [English]

A business firm's ability to grow sustainably is based on the core management philosophy of Total Quality Management. TQM is being implemented by several critical success factors such as customer orientation, apex management commitment, training & education, continuous improvement, etc. In an organization, they are collectively referred to as CSFs of TQM. The presence of key CSF can enhance customer focus and quality performance, which will boost long-term survival and profitability.
This study uses the Pareto analysis method where the researcher tries to identify the TQM CSFs in service industry with special reference to banking sector. In order to determine TQM CSFs, 33 research publications in all have been examined. The outcome of this investigation will definitely contribute towards the field of research and it offers a structure for conducting an empirical examination based on TQM practices in banking sector in India.


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How to Cite

BHARAT, B. N. (2024). A SECONDARY DATA ANALYSIS OF CRITICAL SUCCESS FACTORS FOR TQM IN SERVICE SECTOR. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 12(3), 146–154. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v12.i3.2024.5577