
  • Hua Ma Department of Basic Science, Air Force University of Engineering, Xi’an 710051, People’s Republic of China, China




Particle Physics, Coupling Theory, Regular Multivariate State, Fundamental Particle, Composite Particle, Particle System, Quantum Number, Singularity Number, Hadron, Lepton

Abstract [English]

In this paper, some particle science issues are considered and studied: Why the electric charge can not be fraction for any particles? Why composite particles are easy to split and the mass has decreased? Why the fundamental particles with identical quantum numbers have the unequal mass? These scientific problems are solved by establishing new particle theories: The mechanism of regular multivariate states is proposed to explain the characteristics of fundamental particles, The coupling theory of particle systems is proposed to explain the mass characteristics of composite particles. The scientific analysis of these mechanisms and theories are consistent with the experimental results of many particles, and according to these mechanisms and theories can derive many new particles.


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How to Cite

Ma, H. (2024). A NEW THEORY OF PARTICLE PHYSICS ABOUT COUPLING SYSTEM AND REGULAR MULTIVARIATE STATE. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 12(3), 168–186. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v12.i3.2024.5571