
  • Maldonado León, K Professor of Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, México https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2481-4338
  • Dzul Maldonado, L Master Student at CICATA, IPN, Querétaro, México
  • Dzul Villarruel, L Universidad Anáhuac, Yucatán, México




Learning Strategies, Bioethics, ACRA, Students

Abstract [English]

The strategies lead to a selection of the information that the student studies for the solution of problems and the acquisition of new knowledge. Health personnel in training must allow themselves to modify some behaviors for their professional performance. Cognitive strategies are made up of information acquisition, encoding (or storage), retrieval (or evocation) and support (social, affective) strategies, conceived as a reproductive action, which serves as the basis for the development of basic processes of thought. Objective: To evaluate the learning strategies of the students of the 4th semester of the Medical Surgeon Degree with respect to the Bioethics Learning Unit. Method: Descriptive, observational study with a quantitative, correlational approach. Intentional non-probabilistic sample of 100 students, both sexes, aged 19 to 21 years of the 4th semester of Medical Surgeon for a period of 6 months. The acquisition learning strategies, coding strategies, recovery strategies and support strategies identified in the student when bioethics classes began will be evaluated using the ACRA Scale. Results: Acquisition Strategy: Repetition 85%, Attentional 65%. Coding Strategy: Elaboration divided into relationships 44%, self-questions 25% and paraphrases 31% and Organization 32%. Recovery Strategy: wording 36% and execution 40%. Support Strategy: metacognitive 33%, social 24% and affective 43%. Conclusion: Implementing a study program suitable for the learning of the Bioethics Learning Unit causes a positive impact. The ACRA instrument facilitates better and adequate learning in the clinical area.


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Author Biographies

Maldonado León, K, Professor of Universidad Autónoma de Campeche, México



Dzul Maldonado, L, Master Student at CICATA, IPN, Querétaro, México




Dzul Villarruel, L, Universidad Anáhuac, Yucatán, México





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How to Cite

K, M. L., L, D. M., & L, D. V. (2023). LEARNING STRATEGIES DEVELOPED IN THE STUDENTS THAT HAVE AN IMPACT ON THE KNOWLEDGE OF BIOETHICS. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 11(6), 156–162. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v11.i6.2023.5233