
  • Dr. Tapas Kundu Principal Investigator - Homoeopathy in Haemophilia, C/O Sakha the Centre of Research and Charity, Upnagar, Professor and HOD of Medicine, Motiwala (National) Homoeopathic Medical College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
  • Dr. Omkar Kumat Co-Investigator, Homoeopathy in Haemophilia, C/O Sakha the Centre of Research and Charity, Upnagar, Nashik, Maharashtra, India https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0156-998X
  • Dr. Gulfisha Mirza Research Associate, Homoeopathy in Haemophilia, C/O Sakha the Centre of Research and Charity, Upnagar, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
  • Dr. Rita Kundu Professor and HOD of Physiology, Motiwala (National) Homoeopathic Medical College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India
  • Dr. Trupti Singh Research Associate, Homoeopathy in Haemophilia, C/O Sakha the Centre of Research and Charity, Upnagar, Nashik, Maharashtra, India




ITP, Hematological Cases, Bleeding, Homoeopathy, Autoimmune, Case Series

Abstract [English]

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by decrease in platelets count in blood, leading to manifestations like spontaneous bleeding such as epistaxis, petechiae, ecchymotic patches or painful bruises, gum bleeding or fatal haemorrhages. Here we present three cases of ITP, its manifestation and homoeopathic management. Wong Baker pain rating scale, Adaptive and Maladaptive behavioral scale were used for assessment. A Naranjo criterion for homoeopathy, casual attribution (MONARCH) inventory was used to assess individual curative response of each case, which elucidated the role of homoeopathy in management of ITP. Homeopathic medicine effectively managed the episodes of bleeding and other symptoms in case of chronic pediatric Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP).


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Author Biographies

Dr. Tapas Kundu, Principal Investigator - Homoeopathy in Haemophilia, C/O Sakha the Centre of Research and Charity, Upnagar, Professor and HOD of Medicine, Motiwala (National) Homoeopathic Medical College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

  • Principal Investigator - Homoeopathy In Haemophilia, C/o Sakha The Centre of research and charity, Upnagar, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
  • Professor and HOD of Medicine, Motiwala (National) Homoeopathy Medical College and Hospital, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.

Dr. Gulfisha Mirza, Research Associate, Homoeopathy in Haemophilia, C/O Sakha the Centre of Research and Charity, Upnagar, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

  • Research Associate, Homoeopathy in Haemophilia, C/o Sakha The Centre of research and charity, Upnagar, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

Dr. Rita Kundu, Professor and HOD of Physiology, Motiwala (National) Homoeopathic Medical College, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

  • Prof. & HOD of Physiology, Motiwala (National) Homoeopathic Medical College, Nashik,

    Maharashtra, India

Dr. Trupti Singh, Research Associate, Homoeopathy in Haemophilia, C/O Sakha the Centre of Research and Charity, Upnagar, Nashik, Maharashtra, India

  • Research Associate, Homoeopathy in Haemophilia, C/o Sakha The Centre of research and charity, Upnagar, Nashik, Maharashtra, India


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How to Cite

Kundu, D. T., Kumat, D. O., Mirza, D. G., Kundu, D. R., & Singh, D. T. (2022). HOMOEOPATHIC MANAGEMENT OF CHRONIC PEDIATRIC IDIOPATHIC THROMBOCYTOPENIC PURPURA: CASE SERIES. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 10(11), 202–212. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v10.i11.2022.4898