Skills, Effort, Exercise, Recovery, Integration, EqualityAbstract [English]
Children in the category of people with special needs must, because they have the right, benefit from an educational approach that ensures their develop- ment and recovery, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, social integra- tion or reintegration under non-discriminatory conditions regarding capabili- ties, skills, abilities or personality.
The study aims to integrate knowledge, methods, forms and means specific to the field of motion science into activities that are meant to optimize health status, growth and physical development and the possibilities for their recovery and social integration of the children with special needs
The study took place in the on a group of 10 students and 26 teachers and physiotherapists. Methods that are part of the category of those specific to the educational field were used, namely: scientific documentation, observa- tion, pedagogical experiment, opinion questionnaire, statistical-mathematical processing, graphic representation.
Considering the heterogeneity of the subjects, following the application of the physical exercise program and the tests of evaluation of the motricity, an appreciable progress is observed in 8 of them, which represents 80%; for the remaining 20%, the progress made does not change the status of people with a low level of motor ability, namely speed, strength and endurance.
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