
  • Obst. Yesica Pazmiño Mera, MSc Teachers of The Career of Obstetrics of The Faculty of Medical Sciences of The University of Guayaquil-Ecuador
  • Dr. Jorge Daher Nader PhD Teachers of The Career of Obstetrics of The Faculty of Medical Sciences of The University of Guayaquil-Ecuador
  • Dr. Miguel Gonzalez Pluas Teachers of The Career of Obstetrics of The Faculty of Medical Sciences of The University of Guayaquil-Ecuador
  • Obsta. Rocio Fonseca MSc Teachers of The Career of Obstetrics of The Faculty of Medical Sciences of The University of Guayaquil-Ecuador
  • Obsta.Vicky Narea Morales MSc Teachers of The Career of Obstetrics of The Faculty of Medical Sciences of The University of Guayaquil-Ecuador



Pretermine, Preclampsy, RPM

Abstract [English]

It is vitally important to understand that premature birth at the Latin American level and in Ecuador is a Public Health problem is considered as one of the main causes of perinatal morbidity and mortality, determined by certain obstetric gynecological aspects such as newborn weight, gestational age is important when there is an irregularity of gestational development when not being found within 32 weeks they produce a greater rate of neonatal morbidity and mortality as a consequence a greater percentage of sequelae; Therefore, it is important that through the present study it is understood that the incidence of premature births should be reduced, which not only affects the pregnant woman but also the newborn. This research is quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional with a descriptive level of research, based on the medical records of patients between the ages of 10 and 19 treated at the Enrique C. Sotomayor hospital in Guayaquil in the period 2015 When the present study is carried out, it is concluded that since there is no consistent prenatal control on the part of pregnant women, it directly influences the pre-term delivery leading to this problem to establish a high predisposition to produce maternal-neonatal morbidity and mortality; a greater awareness campaign should be carried out regarding the prenatal controls necessary to reduce the incidence of preterm birth. The age group with the greatest predisposition is established in adolescents whose age range is from 17 to 19 years.


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How to Cite

Mera, Y. P., Nader, J. D., Pluas, M. G., Fonseca, R., & Morales , V. N. (2020). MATERNAL RISK FACTORS IN ADOLESCENTS WITH THREAT OF PRETERMINE BIRTH IN ENRIQUE SOTOMAYOR HOSPITAL. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 8(2), 124–133.