Soft Text Promotion, Online Red Live Broadcast, Purchase Intention, Sharing InformationAbstract [English]
Soft text promotion and planning has become one of the key factors in attracting consumers' purchase intentions. Soft text promotion includes the use of posters, videos, online live broadcasts and other related methods to achieve consumer purchase intentions. The most important part of community business is to establish a long-term partnership between buyers and sellers through these soft-text promotion methods. This paper is expected to issue 600 copies through questionnaires to see if consumers see the promotion of soft texts into purchase motives. Or the consumer in the purchase process, fancy a sense of identity with a certain brand. We have found that consumers are promoting their activities through soft papers, resulting in direct purchase intentions. The results show that consumers will look at the introduction of soft paper promotion and share information with other consumers. These factors will cause consumers to motivate to purchase intentions.
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