
  • Jerald C. Moneva Mandaue City Division- Department of Education, Mandaue City, Cebu Philippines
  • Bandino P. Gatan Senior High School, Jagobiao National High School, Jagobiao Mandaue City, Cebu Philippines




Emotional Intelligence, Self-Discipline, Senior High School, Students, Manage, Behavior

Abstract [English]

This study examined the relationship between emotional intelligence and self- discipline in schools. Emotional Intelligence and Self-discipline are important factors in influencing the students to achieve academically. Emotional Intelligence is the ability to understand, use and manage their own emotion while self-discipline is a practice, a habit, a skills to understand the important factors in life of every individuals. This study is a descriptive correlation that described the two variables, if they had a connection. However, the results were determined if the two variables have a relationship that will affect the students discipline and their emotional intelligence.  A students’ questionnaire was constructed to obtain data on the students’ emotional intelligence and self- discipline. Chi- square was used to establish whether differences in emotional intelligence between self-discipline and it will serve as the basis to identify the level 0f both emotional and self-discipline. The purpose of sampling was done targeting to all the senior high school students. With a target of 245 students who are qualified to answer the questionnaire that I was provided. Emotional Intelligence and Self-discipline is a way that make the students to be aware about the factors in achieving their goals that make the students to be an independent individual. It makes as the basis to manage their own emotions. The data collected using questionnaire was cleaned, encoded, analyze and then interpreted for processing of result. The student’s level were compared and analysis made on which discussion was based. The average weighted mean will be used to determine the assessment of the respondents with regards to their personal profile.


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How to Cite

Moneva, J. C., & Gatan, B. P. (2020). EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND SELF-DISCIPLINE IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 8(1), 69–77. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v8.i1.2020.249