
  • MSc. Rocio Fonseca Tumbaco Teachers of The Career of Obstetrics of The Faculty of Medical Sciences of The University of Guayaquil-Ecuador
  • DR. Jorge Elias Dáher Nader Teachers of The Career of Obstetrics of The Faculty of Medical Sciences of The University of Guayaquil-Ecuador
  • MSc. Cecilia Herrera Martinez Teachers of The Career of Obstetrics of The Faculty of Medical Sciences of The University of Guayaquil-Ecuador
  • MSc. Yesica Pazmiño Mera Teachers of The Career of Obstetrics of The Faculty of Medical Sciences of The University of Guayaquil-Ecuador
  • Odont Evelyn Navarrete Fonseca Teachers of The Career of Obstetrics of The Faculty of Medical Sciences of The University of Guayaquil-Ecuador



Social Networks, Sexual Relationship, Adolescence

Abstract [English]

Sexual intercourse at an early age is a public health problem, because they are associated with various health consequences such as early pregnancy, school drop-out, pre-term births, etc. The study was carried out on 120 adolescents from the baccalaureate, Eugenio Espejo educational unit of the city of Guayaquil - Ecuador, in the 2018-2019 school year. The descriptive, quantitative and analytical methodology of a transversal cohort was applied, considering the use of the survey. As a result of the investigation, the need to develop a sexual education program and the appropriate use of social networks was evidenced, which would be totally innovative because in the present moment no educational institution has carried out a study of this nature, to avoid relationships Early sexuality, minimizing high school dropout and the proper use of social networks in adolescents, therefore it is concluded that adolescents are exposed to the danger of social networks because they use it with high frequency, usually several times a day, without any control of their parents or legal representatives, which affects their cognitive and emotional development, a sexual education program will be implemented for the appropriate use of social networks.


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How to Cite

Tumbaco, R. F., Dáher Nader, J. E., Martinez, C. H., Mera, Y. P., & Fonseca, O. E. N. (2020). SOCIAL NETWORKS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON THE SEXUALITY OF THE TEENS EDUCATIONAL UNIT. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 8(2), 47–56.

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