
  • Magasu Oliver Kwame Nkrumah University-Kabwe, Zambia
  • Muleya Gistered University of Zambia-Lusaka, Zambia
  • Mweemba Liberty University of Zambia-Lusaka, Zambia




Civic Education, Pedagogical, Reflective practice, Implementation

Abstract [English]

This study sought to investigate the teaching strategies used in Civic Education lessons in secondary schools in Zambia. The study used a descriptive case study design and data was collected using interviews, Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) and observations. Purposive sampling procedure was used to target seventy-four participants. Data collected was analysed using themes that emerged from the literature review and objectives of the study. The main findings of the study were that teachers in secondary schools still used teacher-centred strategies in the teaching of Civic Education despite policy direction in the Zambia Education Curriculum of 2013. Lecture method was common most Civic Education lessons. A few who implemented reflective practice strategies in their lessons used debate, group discussions and brainstorming. Based on the findings, social sciences departments where Civic Education sits in secondary schools in Zambia should find mechanisms of observing reflective practice strategy in the teaching of Civic Education rather than just seeing lesson plans. The Ministry of General Education should take a deliberate move to provide workshops/short courses to Civic Education teachers on the importance and use of reflective practice strategy in Civic Education lessons. Further, Curriculum Development Centre (CDC) and Examination Council of Zambia (ECZ) should collaborate and re-design the Civic Education Syllabus and give it a practical project since the subject is practical in nature. There is need in future to assess the training of Civic Education teachers with regards to training for reflective practice strategy.


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How to Cite

Oliver, M., Gistered, M., & Liberty, M. (2020). TEACHING STRATEGIES USED IN CIVIC EDUCATION LESSONS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN ZAMBIA. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 8(2), 39–46. https://doi.org/10.29121/granthaalayah.v8.i2.2020.182