Cultural Diversity, Cultural Showcase, Local Wisdom, Nusantara City, Technological SovereigntyAbstract
Background: The relocation of Indonesia's capital to Nusantara was announced in 2019, with a vision to create a sustainable, economically significant, and culturally diverse world-class city. This qualitative research explores the development of Nusantara by formulating a model of local wisdom, focusing on technological sovereignty and cultural representation.
Method: Data collection techniques were employed to develop this model. It emphasizes the realization of technological sovereignty aligned with national interests and the representation of Indonesia's cultural diversity. The study also assesses the absence of social friction among people from various cultural backgrounds, highlighting unity and cooperation as guiding principles.
Results: The study found that technological sovereignty, when aligned with local cultural values, contributes to Nusantara's potential as a global problem-solving model. Furthermore, the cultural showcase, embodying the diversity of the Indonesian nation, is a unifying force that fosters cooperation, rather than conflict, among culturally diverse residents.
Conclusions: In conclusion, Nusantara's development model, rooted in technological sovereignty and cultural representation, aligns with local cultural values, and has the potential to address global challenges. It serves as a symbol of unity and cooperation, positioning Nusantara as a worthy "world city for all.".
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