


M2M, Arduino, Ultrasonic Sensor, Effect Hall Sensor

Abstract [English]

Currently, in Baghdad, vehicles driver still depends on the police of traffic to regulate the traffic system according to the density of traffic.  There has been made a lot of researches on making the traffic signals automated by using image processing techniques, infra-Red Sensor, and laser sensors. The cost and complicity are the biggest challenge in these systems.

 So, to avoid the previously mentioned obstacles and with the employing of Machine to Machine M2M Communication, a system of traffic signaling that based ultrasonic sensor has been developed, where only one ultrasonic sensor is used at each road at 500 meters down the street away from the traffic light where there's obvious traffic congestion that needs to be solved.  The ultra-sonic sensor would detect the density of traffic and communicate to Arduino that is responsible for acquiring signals from sensors on the roads which in turn will communicate with other Arduino which is responsible for manipulating the traffic light signals accordingly.

So, as a result, the collected data will help the authorized person in monitoring the roads and change the green light time of each road based on traffic density in a specified date and time also take a report where the analysis will be made on heavy traffic and less traffic.


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How to Cite

Abbas, M. M., & Ibrahim, M. K. (2020). SMART TRAFFIC SIGNALING SYSTEM BASED ON ULTRASONIC DISTANCE MEASUREMENT SENSOR. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 8(5), 312–321.