
  • Alida Vallejo Lopez MSC, Teacher University of Guayaquil, Ecuador
  • Tibisay Beatriz Rincon Rios Ph.D., Teacher University of Zulia, Ecuador
  • Franklin Gaston Arguello Dr., Teacher University of Guayaquil, Ecuador



Research, Scientific Competences, Students, Health

Abstract [English]

In the new context of higher education; Research-based learning is a strategy used to understand and deepen knowledge during the educational process at all levels for the development of scientific evidence, considering that the best way to learn is experience. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the importance of implementing practical activities in the field of health to awaken the interest of students in research and development of scientific competencies. The methodology applied in the students of the health area, to promote the research in the development of the scientific capacities, was made a chronogram of visits to the departments of the ICBE; TPA and Embryology Laboratory, for the development of scientific tests by means of coherent practices or action schemes. In conclusion, when the student is actively involved in the teaching-learning process, he can develop skills for his professional performance. Promoting the interest of the student to investigate is undoubtedly an indispensable factor that must be fostered, analyzed and applied in the area of. Health Research is a process that requires adequate guidance and motivation to awaken, passion and dedication, which allows the development of scientific skills and competences.


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How to Cite

Lopez, A. V., Rincon Rios, T. B., & Arguello, F. G. (2018). STRATEGY TO PROMOTE RESEARCH SKILLS IN STUDENTS OF THE HEALTH AREA. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 6(8), 189–195.