सल्तनतकालीन भारतीय शिक्षा


  • Seema Jangid Senior Research Fellow (Ph.D.), Department of History and Indian Culture, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur



सल्तनत, शिक्षा, मदरसे, पाठ्यक्रम

Abstract [English]

In the Sultanate period (1206–1526 AD), the prevalence of religious parochialism and state-controlled Islamic education began. The Muslims destroyed the ancient Indian centers of learning and established madrasas in their place, where subjects like tafsir, hadith, kalam, fiqh etc. were taught. Bismillah was often at home. Elementary education was given in Maktabs. The upper class families used to appoint teachers for their sons at home. The teaching system was administered by Sadr-us-Far and Ulema. The state used to provide waqf and stipend. Islamic education flourished under all the sultans. Provincial rulers also made good educational arrangements. Schools for Hindu education were toll and individual teachers. Due to social malpractices, there was no provision of separate education for women and women education for the common people. Upper-class families used to appoint teachers in their homes.


सल्तनतकाल (1206-1526 ई.) में मजहबी संकीर्णता से ग्रस्त एवं राज्य नियंत्रित इस्लामी शिक्षा का प्रचलन आरंभ हुआ। मुसलमानों ने प्राचीन भारतीय विद्या-केन्द्रों को नष्ट कर उनके स्थान पर मदरसों की स्थापना की, जहां तफसीर, हदीस, कलाम, फिक्ह आदि विषय पढाये जाते थे। बिस्मिल्लाह प्रायः घर पर ही होता था। मकतबों में प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा दी जाती थी। उच्चवर्गीय परिवार अपने पुत्रों के लिए घर पर ही शिक्षक नियुक्त कर देते थे। शिक्षण-प्रणाली सद्र-उस-सुदूर तथा उलेमाओं द्वारा संचालित की जाती थी। राज्य वक्फ एंव वजीफे प्रदान करता था। सभी सुल्तानों के अधीन इस्लामी शिक्षा अत्यंत फली-फूली। प्रांतीय शासको ने भी अच्छी शिक्षण व्यवस्था की। हिन्दू शिक्षा के लिए पाठशालाएं, टोल एंव व्यक्तिगत शिक्षक होते थे। सामाजिक कुरीतियों के कारण स्त्रियों के लिए पृथक पाठशालाओं एंव जन साधारण के लिए स्त्री-शिक्षा का प्रबंध न था। उच्चवर्गीय परिवार अपने घरों में ही शिक्षक नियुक्त कर देते थे।


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रसीद, ए, सोसायटी एण्ड कल्चर इन मेडिवल इण्डिया (1206-1556), फर्म के.जे. मुखोपाध्याय, कलकत्ता, 1969, पृ. 150।

श्रीवास्तव, ए.एल., मध्यकालीन भारतीय संस्कृति, शिवलाल अग्रवाल एण्ड कम्पनी, आगरा, 1964, पृ.-77।

हुसैन, युसुफ., ग्लिम्पसेज ऑफ मेडिवल इण्डियन कल्चर, एशिया पब्लिशिंग हाउस, बम्बई, 1959, पृ. 71।

श्रीवास्तव, ए.एल., मध्यकालीन भारतीय संस्कृति, शिवलाल अग्रवाल एण्ड कम्पनी, आगरा, 1964, पृ.-82।

हसन, इब्न. दि सेन्ट्रल स्ट्रक्चर ऑफ दि मुगल एम्पयार, मुंशीराम मनोहरलाल प्रकाशन, नई दिल्ली, 1970, पृ. 257।


गुप्त, शिवकुमार, मध्यकालीन भारतीय समाज एवं संस्कृति, पृ. 65-66।

हुसैन, युसुफ, वही।

Elliot III, Fatuhat-I Firoz-Shahi P. 383.

Barni, Tarikh – i- Firoz- Shahi / Sir H.M. Elliot; edited by John Dowson, Sind Sagar Academy, Lahore, Ed. I Pakistan, 1974, PP. 108-109. (A reprint of Chap. 15 of H.M. Elliot”s The History of Inida by its own Historians, Vol.III, London, 1987, PP. 93-268).

Ferista, Vol. I, P. 267.

“He (Allauddin) was a man of no learning and never associated with men of learning. He clould not read or write a letter.” – Elliot, Histroy of India by its own Historians, Vol.III, Trubner and Co., 8 and 60, Paternoster ROW, London, 1871, P. 168.

“Neither did there in any age, appear such a course of learned men from all parts. Fourty Five doctors, skilled in the sciences, were professors in the universities.”

हुसैन, युसूफ, वही, पृ 74।

“Muhammad Tuglag was unquestionably the ablest man among crowned heads of middle ages of all kings, who had sat upon the throne of Delhi since the Muslim conquest; he was undoubtedly the most learned and accomplished.” – Tarikh- i- Firozshahi (Elliot) Vol. III, P. 235-36.

“Among the gifts which God bestowed upon me, his humble servant was a desire to erect public buildings, so I built many mosques, colleges and monasteries, that the learned and the elders, the devout and the holy might worship god in there edifices, and aid the kind builder with their prayers.” Fatuhat-i-Firoz-Shahi, P. 382.

“He entirely ruined the shrines of Mathura and turned principal Hindu places of worship into carvanasrais and colleges.” Elliot, Histroy of India by its own Historians, vol. IV, Trubner and Co., 8 and 60, Paternoster ROW, London, 1872, P. 450.

“The Hindus who had hither to never learned person, commenced during his reign to study Muhammadan literature.”

रेवर्टी, तबकाते नासिरी, एशियाटिक सोसायटी ऑफ बंगाल, कलकता, 1897, पृ. 552।

जाफर, एस. एम., एजुकेशन इन मुस्लिम इण्डिया, खुदाबंद स्ट्रीट, पेशावर सिटी, 1936, पृ. 4।




How to Cite

Jangid, S. (2017). SULTANATE INDIAN EDUCATION: सल्तनतकालीन भारतीय शिक्षा. International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH, 5(12), 322–328.