Managing Tri Pusat Pendidikan in the COVID -19 Pandemic

Managing Tri Pusat Pendidikan in the COVID -19 Pandemic

Postgraduate Program, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia
Faculty of Letter and Language Education, Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Indonesia

How to cite this article (APA): Tyas, EH, & Naibaho, L (2021). Managing tri pusat pendidikan in the covid -19 pandemic. International Journal of Research - GRANTHAALAYAH, 9(4), 492. doi: 10.29121/granthaalayah.v9.i4.2021.3893


This study is about the management of Tri Pusat Pendidikan in the COVID-19 Pandemic. This study aims to find out the management of Tri Pusat Pendidikan strictly in the current situation, namely COVID-19. It was done at Universitas Kristen Indonesia within three months, from January – March 2021. The method of the study used as library research, and the instrument used in this study was a checklist document used to record offline or online documents sourced from books, papers, journals and articles taken from Google Scholar. The documents taken are documents that examine the management of the Tri Pusat Pendidikan, as also discussed in this study. The result of the study is that as the critical success of educating children, Tri Pusat Pendidikan should be well managed by conducting a better collaboration among teachers, parents, the community involved in education program implementation, and the learning process during the COVID-19 Pandemic must remain sustainable.


Managing, Tri Pusat Pendidikan, Covid­19


Developed countries always care about and aspire to improve education in all fields, both formal education, non-formal education and informal education, because education is the foundation in shaping and instilling human values ​​in students. In it, there is a life process that starts from the family, school and community environment. Through education, it will produce changes towards progress. With education, a person will have the ability to plan and prepare for a better life (Abramson, 2006; Painter-Morland, 2015). Education will always have a relationship in its function, starting from the role of the family, school, and the community. Successful education is education that can lead students to become independent and responsible human beings (Kolibu, Peter, Naibaho, Paparang, & Hanock, 2021; Naibaho, 2014; Tyas & Naibaho, 2021). Therefore, it will be challenging to expect success without good and correct cooperation between the three forces. The Tri Pusat Pendidikan should be managed with an effective collaboration and communication pattern, especially in dealing with the complexities of future challenges that are changing rapidly and continuously.

The three elements referred to, namely family, school, and society, should establish cooperation based on a sincere desire and ability to realize a developed country, a country with quality education for all its citizens (Sellar & Lingard, 2013). The more quality citizens' education is, the more significant changes will occur in the country's progress. Referring to the opinion of the Father of Indonesian National Education, Ki Hajar Dewantoro: "Whatever is done by a person should be able to benefit himself, benefit his nation, and benefit people in the world in general".

However, during the Covid -19 pandemic that hit the world and Indonesia is no exception, as it is today, collaboration and communication can only be done online using the sophistication of XXI century technology. I am grateful that when it is challenging to make interactions offline, there is still a way out. The conventional face-to-face class was replaced with a "virtual face-to-face" via a computer screen or cellphone (Nadeak & Naibaho, 2020; Nadeak, Naibaho, Sunarto, Tyas, & Sormin, 2021). The important thing is that the interaction between educators and students should not be cut off because education is the key to society's civilization. The mutual influence-influencing relationship between education in the family, at school, and in the community must support each other to deliver students to be able to socialize and adjust proportionally to social life.

The direct and indirect benefits of education are to increase human dignity, namely the achievement of self-actualization so that a person will meet his needs, both physically and psychologically, and continue to develop himself amid his community (Sunarto, Naibaho, Sormin, & Nadeak, 2021). Education becomes a barometer of the nation's progress, and if a nation's education is advanced, its civilization will be advanced. The more developed a country is, the more its people's life and culture will be improved (Tyas & Naibaho, 2020). Therefore, the government should prepare a road map for Indonesian education in 2020 gradually towards golden Indonesia in 2045, and this needs to be adjusted to the various significant and rapid changes that have emerged due to the Covid -19 pandemic.


The method used in this research is library research to study something that is appreciation and deepening of something that is considered essential to be researched. The goals to be achieved in this research are to find out how the management of the Tri Pusat Pendidikan during the Pandemic COVID-19 period. This study was conducted at the Universitas Kristen Indonesia, Jakarta, from January to March 2021. The instrument used in this study was a checklist document used to record offline or online documents sourced from books, papers, journals and articles taken from Google Scholar. The documents taken are documents that examine the management of the Tri Pusat Pendidikan as also discussed in this study.


In a situation like what we share today, it is hoped that education in Indonesia in the future will be able to answer various challenges, such as technological, socio-economic and environmental disruption. Everything is moving forward and very rapidly, and in response to this, the government must be able to anticipate significant changes in all sectors, which are happening in this world, such as automation, artificial intelligence, big data, the internet of things, demographic changes, and the socio-economic profile of the population including changes in the labour market that is more flexible, and others (Smorodin et al., 2017). Education must adapt to the times and these changes because working in the future will undoubtedly be far different from how it works today, especially in the past (Nadeak, 2016). Education in Indonesia must prioritize excellent human resources with noble character and character, upholding Indonesian values ​​with its Pancasila philosophy.

Departing from the results of studies of the Indonesian Academy of Sciences and the Indonesian Young Scientists Academy, the problems that are expected to be faced by Indonesia include nationalism in the era of transnationalism, caring for marine biodiversity and interpreting Indonesia's maritime continent. Issues of health and nutrition, food and energy, and ensuring water for all, earth-climate-universe, community resilience to disasters, and, more importantly, realizing education that builds people, for humans and humanity (, 2017; Nordin, Boyle, & Kemmer, 2013). Raising Indonesia's human capital is a complex agenda and needs to be implemented over a long period, which should be at the core of the government's development strategy. For this reason, it is necessary to improve the education system at all levels, from early childhood education to higher education, as well as lifelong learning opportunities. What is no less important is the provision of life skills, especially what is needed by the world of work, so that there can be a synergy and link and match between the business world and the industrial world, which is commonly known as DUDI. Answering the various needs above, the world of education is an essential element that must receive strict attention and portion from various circles (Palmer, 2002). Starting from education in the family (informal education), then continued with education in schools (formal education), and education in the community (non-formal education). As Tri Pusat Pendidikan, the following will be discussed one by one as follows:

Education in the family - The family is the minor community institution that plays a crucial role in the educational process. Parents are the first and foremost educators for their child or children. Family members play an essential role in the process of forming and developing the child's personality. The education process carried out by parents at home is then strengthened and enhanced by the school when the child is at school. The learning process that the child at school has carried out will be strengthened and enhanced by the parent when the child comes home from school. It is intended so that children in their adulthood will become excellent and trustworthy members of society and have a responsible personality (Naibaho, 2019; Roberts & Mroczek, 2008).

Education in Schools - Education in schools is a structured and tiered education path consisting of primary education, secondary education, and higher education. The school has a goal to guide, direct and educate. The institute requires the presence of specific age groups in teacher-led classrooms to learn the graded curriculum. Education in schools in delivering and directing children to achieve educational goals is inseparable from the efforts and efforts of teachers who have received an abundance of responsibilities from parents or families because parents are busy earning a living to meet family needs, making parents unable and limited time to educate, direct the child or children effectively (Senge, Cambron-Mccabe, Lucas, Smith, & Dutton, 2012). For this reason, the teacher's task, in addition to providing various knowledge and skills, also educates children of religion and noble character. It is where the school functions as a family assistant in providing education and teaching to its students. School is a continuation of everything that has been given in the family.

Education in society - As we all know; humans are creatures who desire to be one with each other and the natural environment around them. Using thoughts, instincts, feelings, desires, and so on, humans react and interact in their environment. Continuous relationships in society generate patterns of social interaction. Society is an essential component in shaping and strengthening a person's personality due to interactions between individuals in that society. In the community environment, children are also governed by some norms that develop in a society that must be upheld and should not be underestimated or even violated because violating norms in society will bring sanctions, for example, being ostracized. It is intended to educate the public in order to form order in social life (Giroux, 2010).

The three environments above significantly affect children's lives and will continue until the child grows up as an adolescent, youths and adults. The function of the educational environment is to assist students in interacting with the various environments around them physically, socially and culturally. With a good environment, children will experience good growth and development as well. Therefore, it is imperative during the Covid -19 pandemic like now the collaboration and communication between families, schools and communities are managed and possible. The three of them must be harmonious and work together to benefit each other (mutualistic symbiosis).

In principle, education in the family is to help children in learning, but what needs to be realized is that not all parents can act as professional teachers. During the Covid -19 pandemic, which has been going on for months and may still be going on for a long time, the home learning system sometimes results far from what was expected, even to the point of cases of beatings/abuse of parents who are impatient in teaching / educating their children. Indeed, educating is an art that needs to be learned. A good attitude in educating children that must be internalized into the teacher's life lived and applied in his profession should also be owned by parents to no vacuum during this outbreak.

Langeveld stated that every association between adults (parents) and children is a field or a place where the educational work occurs. The conditions for the pedagogical association, according to Langevelt, are (1) Intercourse between children and adults; (2) In association, there is influence; (3) There is a conscious purpose for the child towards maturity (Sarwar, 2016). The main task of the family for children's education is to lay the foundation for moral education and a religious view of life. The nature and character of children are mostly taken from their parents and other family members.

The functions of family education institutions are: a) It is the first experience for childhood, and this experience is a significant factor for subsequent development, especially in personal development. Family life is significant because childhood experiences will give colour to subsequent developments; b) Education in the family environment can guarantee children's emotional life to grow. The development of this emotional life is significant in the personal formation of children. The inadequate and excessive emotional connection will do a lot to the detriment of children's development; and c) In the family, moral education will be formed. Exemplary parents in their daily speech and behaviour will be a vehicle for moral education for children to form moral human beings (Sanderse, 2012).

Education in the family emphasizes how to teach ourselves, where we tend to talk and join in activities with other people around the child, and this takes place unconsciously when intercourse with children occurs, from the child waking up to going to sleep—listening to stories and songs that contain educational value as a provision for children to enter the formal world. The family environment is the first educational environment because it is in this family that children first get education and guidance. It can also be said to be the primary environment because most of the child's life is in the family, so most children's education is in the family (Nadeak, Deliviana, Sormin, Naibaho, & Juwita, 2019).

Furthermore, it is time for the children to be sent to school to be formally educated. Formal education is an educational path structured and tiered, consisting of primary education, secondary education and higher education. Schools are institutions designed to teach each student under the supervision of a teacher. The word school comes from the Greek SCHOLE and English SCHOOL, a building or institution for learning and teaching and a place to receive and give lessons. A principal leads the school, and a vice-principal assists the principal. The critical role of non-formal education in the community also has a significant role in education (Tyas, Sunarto, & Naibaho, 2020). This non-formal type of education became part of the international discourse on education policy in the late 1960s and early 1970s. It can be seen as relating to iterative concepts and lifelong learning. In Indonesia, non-formal education includes (1) Life Skills Education; (2) Early Childhood Education; Youth Education; (4) Women's Empowerment Education; (5) Literacy Education; (6) Vocational Education and Job Training; (7) Equality Education; (8) Other education aimed at developing students' abilities.

Meanwhile, the non-formal education unit consists of: (1) Course Institution; (2) Training Institutions; (3) Study Groups; (4) Teaching and Learning Activity Center; (5) Taklim Council, as well as similar educational units. Courses and training are held for people who need knowledge, skills, life skills, and attitudes to develop themselves, develop professions, work, work independently, and or continue their education to a higher level. The results of non-formal education can be valued as equal to the results of formal education programs after going through an equalization assessment process by an institution appointed by the Government or Local Government concerning the National Education Standards (Niehoff & Wilder, 1974).

In essence, educating human children is to equip them to live independently in the future. When it comes to technological advances today, parents and teachers are required to learn and learn again because this change is truly historical, both in terms of size, speed, and scope. While deep uncertainty surrounds the development and adoption of new technologies, meaning that most people do not yet know how this industrial revolution-driven transformation will break out (Tyas & Naibaho, 2020). The complexity and interconnectedness of it spanning various sectors means that all the global community stakeholders (Government, corporate, academics and civil society) have a responsibility to work together for better understanding.

That is what awakens education observers to manage the Tri Pusat Pendidikan effectively and efficiently (mangkus and sangkil). Digital technology, which consists of hardware, software, and computer networks, is not new. Preparing learning models makes them more attractive to students because learning from home is fun and tiring. Therefore, it is urgent to reformulate the distance learning model. To anticipate the extension of the emergency period, it is necessary to reformulate the distance learning model for both students and students (Jaques & Salmon, 2007).

Meanwhile, some say that distance learning using online methods is considered not/less effective. Some schools then use distance education outside the network (offline). The teacher gives the material to the parents, and then it is passed down to their children as students. However, for teachers and parents in disadvantaged, frontier, and outermost areas, the practice of online distance education is also found to be increasingly challenging to implement. The leading cause is the limited access and quality of the internet network. The preceding is a reality, so it is deemed necessary to improve teacher competence in the digital era because technological advances are progressing like a measuring line.

On the other hand, mastery of digital technology by teachers is like arithmetic. Therefore, focused training to improve the digital competence of teachers is urgently needed. Given that Distance Education will continue in the 2020/2021 academic year, it is urgent that training for teachers/lecturers be carried out significantly to improve digital competence so that online learning does not become more saturated but rather interesting.

Access to digital resources and the ability of teachers/lecturers to determine the success of Distance Education and the government must be able to provide solutions so that no student/student is left behind due to the individual -19 pandemic. It is a problem all over the world, even in developed countries. Learning from face-to-face methods to online remote methods is about digitizing learning materials and institutional and pedagogical issues (Nadeak, Naibaho, & Silalahi, 2020). Every time there is a change, of course, there are advantages and disadvantages, and in terms of learning that takes place online, it is not surprising that the interaction of educators and students is very minimal, so it is natural that some students feel bored especially if they are burdened with many tasks.

Creativity and innovation are the keys to the success of online learning. To ensure learning is fun and meaningful, educators and students should work together like a 'pair of chopsticks' (two chopsticks). Educators' creativity in designing and presenting online learning plays an important role [28]. Not to mention that the educational atmosphere, which is mostly still conservative and confined by bureaucracy, adds to the complexity of the problem. UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay stated that Distance Education could not be a single solution because it exacerbates educational inequality. He added that currently, there are 1.5 billion students or around 90 per cent of the total students in the world who have to attend Distance Education, and of that number, 706 million students do not have internet access, including students in Indonesia.


Departing from the description above, the authors can conclude that: a) Tri Pusat Pendidikan are the key to the success of educating children; b) Communication and collaboration between parents, teachers and the community play an essential role for successful education; c) Even if there are obstacles in the Distance Learning system, the parties must be able to overcome them in creative and innovative ways; and d) The learning process during the Covid-19 Pandemic must remain sustainable, so that the goal of educating the nation's life can be achieved.

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