
  • Rusni Department of Islamic Education Management, Postgraduate UIN STS Jambi, Indonesia
  • Heru Setiawan Islamic Religious Education Study Program, STAI An-Nadwah Kuala Tungkal, Indonesia



Principal Supervision, Teacher Professional Competence

Abstract [English]

The school principal has been unable to carry out his duties as a supervisor optimally, Objective of this research is to find out why the head of the School is not optimal in carrying out duties as supervis or . Determination of the subject using purposive sampling technique. This study uses a qualitative approach with data collection methods, namely observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation and verification / drawing conclusions, while checking the validity of the data is done by extending observations , observation accuracy, and triangulation. The findings in this study indicate that the principal considers the teacher to have professional competence obtained from his education, the principal considers that the implementation of supervision is not so important, and the principal himself does not know about optimal supervision. The conclusion is that the principal has not performed his duties as a supervisor optimally because the principal thinks the teacher already has professional competence obtained from his education so that the implementation of supervision is not so important. The principal should make a class visit to observe the learning process directly, then conduct individual talks to solve the problems faced by the teacher, and the principal programmatically conducts learning simulations for the teacher to observe.


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